[gmx-developers] xpm2ps fix

K.A. Feenstra Feenstra at chem.vu.nl
Mon Aug 5 08:19:18 CEST 2002

Marc Baaden wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I have fixed the problem with xpm2ps. It goes back to matio.c
> If anybody wants to check, and those with write access to the CVS include
> the fix in the new release if it is ok, here is the change:
> matio.c line 541 reads
>   for(i=nmid; (i<*nlevels); i++) {
> but I think it should be
>   for(i=0; (i<(*nlevels-nmid)); i++) {

Hmm. I'll have to figure that out. I added the -combine options
to xpm2ps, and did not think through all possible implications
exhaustively... But I'm notoriously bad at figuring out this
kind of for-loops, so please be a bit patient (and remind me
if you haven't heard from me by end of the week...)


 ________ ___________________________________________________________
|        | Anton Feenstra                                            |
| .      | Dept. of Pharmacochemistry - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
| |----  | De Boelelaan 1083 - 1081 HV Amsterdam - The Netherlands   |
| |----  | Tel: +31 20 44 47608 - Fax: +31 20 44 47610               |
| ' __   | Feenstra at chem.vu.nl - http://www.chem.vu.nl/afdelingen/FAR|
|  /  \  |-----------------------------------------------------------|
| (    ) | Dept. of Biophysical Chemistry - University of Groningen  |
|  \__/  | Nijenborgh 4 - 9747 AG Groningen - The Netherlands        |
|   __   | Tel +31 50 363 4327 - Fax +31 50 363 4800                 |
|  /  \  | K.A.Feenstra at chem.rug.nl - http://md.chem.rug.nl/~anton   |
| (    ) |-----------------------------------------------------------|
|  \__/  | "If You See Me Getting High, Knock Me Down"               |
|        | (Red Hot Chili Peppers)                                   |

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