[gmx-developers] Re: mdrun

Erik Lindahl lindahl at stanford.edu
Thu Oct 10 21:10:16 CEST 2002

Graham Smith wrote:

>Hi Erik, 
>Don't know how near you are to releasing v 3.1.5/3.2 now, but I have 
>basically finished and tidied the code for making a hole in a bilayer
>for the current version (3.1.4). I'm just running some tests and I
>still need to update the usage notes. 
>I'll mail it to gmx-users in a day or so (if it is not too big -
>otherwise I'll give a URL where people can get it). 
Sounds perfect!

The best solution might be to upload it through the contributions page - 
it can
be up to 50 Megs there - and just post a link or notice on the list.



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