[gmx-developers] creating a new analysis tool usign template.c and make

Senthil Kandasamy senthilk at umich.edu
Wed Nov 12 17:46:08 CET 2003


I have been trying to create some new analysis tools. At first, I was 
just modifying existing analysis tools in the src/tools/ directory. So 
compiling it was not difficult. I would just "make g_tool.c" in the 
src/tools directory and then "make install".  That would create a new 
executable with the modifications. So I never really had to mess around 
with the make files.

Now, I want to create a new analysis tool from scratch.  I want to start 
from the template file provided in template.c
I did a ./configure in the gmx home directory with 
prefix==/home/senthilk/mytools and exec-prefix==/home/senthilk/mytools.
(I want the template.c executable to be placed in ~/mytools/bin). Now, I 
go to the $GMX/share/template directory and want to compile (make?) the 
template.c . Typing "make" or "make template" does not seem to do 
anything. The response is "nothign to be done for all".  I realize that 
I am supposed to edit the makefiles in the current directory to include 
the template.c files . Template.mak seems to have that. Anyways, I am 
totally confused about this whole "make" business.

Could somebody please explain the bare minimum steps needed to compile 
template.c and create an executable? What are the steps I need to do and 
what are the files I need to edit? I can probably pick up from there.



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