[gmx-developers] Buckingham potential force calculation correct ?
Mathias PUETZ
mpuetz at de.ibm.com
Mon Oct 2 10:31:26 CEST 2006
while tuning the force kernels for BlueGene I stumbled across the
The C (also Fortran) code generated by mknb for calculating the Buckingham
potential is the following:
rinvsq = rinv * rinv
br = cexp2 * rsq * rinv
Vvdwexp = cexp1 * exp (-br)
Vvdw6 = C6 / (rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq)
fscal = (br * Vvdwexp - 6.0 * Vvdw6) * rinvsq;
fx = dx * fscal
fy = dy * fscal
fz = dz * fscal
This does not look right to me, because the br * Vvdwexp part in the
calculation of
fscal should only be scaled by rinv and not rinvsq as deduced by following
The Buckingham potential is defined by the following form:
V(r) = C1 * exp ( - C2 * r) - C6 / r**6
The force on particle 1 is calculated by the formula:
Fx = - dx / r * d/dr V(r)
= -dx / r * { - C1*C2*r * exp( -C2 * r) + 6.0 * C6 / r**7 }
= -dx * { 1/r**2 * 6.0 * C6 / r**6 + 1/r * br * C1 * exp (-C2 *
r) }
= -dx * { rinvsq * 6.0 * Vvdw6 + rinv * br * Vvdwexp }
!= -dx * rinvsq * { 6.0 * Vvdw6 + br * Vvdwexp }
Am I making a mistake here or is the GROMACS code wrong ?
Viele Grüsse / Best regards,
Dr. Mathias Pütz
IT Specialist for Application Perfomance
Deep Computing - Strategic Growth Business
IBM Systems & Technology Group
e-mail: mpuetz at de.ibm.com
mobile: + 49-(0)160-7120602
fax: + 49-(0)6131-84-6660
IBM Deutschland GmbH
Department B458
Hechtsheimer Str. 2 / Building 12
55131 Mainz
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