[gmx-developers] alternate version for reversed .ndx (not for use with current version of g_hbond)

Andrew Jewett jewett.ai at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 08:39:32 CEST 2007

   I noticed some controversy about the order of the data in the .ndx and
.xpm files:

   I don't have an opinion about the order the data should be in.  (Although
I do think the documentation for g_hbond should be updated if it is left the
way it is.)  I don't know where things stand now.  If the gromacs developers
eventually decide to reverse the order of the DHA triplets in the .ndx file
(to make it the same order as the rows in the .xpm file), then here is an
alternate version of xpm2matrix that will work in that case.  Note: of
course, this version of xpm2matrix will not work on the existing versions of
g_hbond that I know of (for example, the version I have: 3.3.1 CVS).

# You may need to change this to /usr/local/bin/python

program_name = 'xpm2matrix'

# Name:
#    xpm2matrix
# Version:
#    v0.2,  2007-8-03
# Author:
#    Andrew Jewett, Shea Group, University of California at Santa Barbara
# License:
#    GNU LGPL and GPL (General Public Licence)
# Comments:
#    Be forgiving.  It's my first python program
#   (I think one of the reasons it is so slow is because the program has to
#    read in the entire .xpm file and transpose the data before it can
#    This seems to be where the program is slowing down.  However it could
#    be because I am using memory inefficienly (making temporary copies).
#    Regardless, for really long trajectories, or large systems,
#    the arrays inside the xpm files can be quite large.
#    I hope the authors of g_hbond will later provide an option to save
#    the xpm data with the x and y axis exchanged.
#    That way, I could just read in and process one line at a time.)
# Description below:

docs = 'syntax (example):\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ '   '+program_name+' hbond.ndx groups1.ndx groups2.ndx [DA,AD] < hbmap.xpm>
con.mat\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ 'Description:\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ '    This program reads .xpm files generated by \"g_hbond -hbm ...\",\n' \
+ ' and, for each frame in the trajectory, prints out a 2-dimensional
table\n' \
+ ' indicating which pairs of atoms (or residues, or groups of atoms)\n' \
+ ' are connected together (a connectivity matrix). This table may be
easier\n' \
+ ' to interpret than the original .xpm file.  As an input it requires a
pair\n' \
+ ' of files (\"groups1.ndx\" and \"groups2.ndx\" in this example) and each
file\n' \
+ ' contains a list of groups.  (Each group typically represents the
atoms\n' \
+ ' belonging to each amino acid or nucleotide in a molecule.)  Since
there\n' \
+ ' are two lists of groups, you can look at the connectivity matrix
+ ' two different molecules.  The the two lists of groups do not have to\n'
+ ' correspond to residues from different molecules.  They can be
identical.\n' \
+ '     The atoms in each group are not required to be donors or
+ ' (other atoms will be ignored).  It is possible to tell
+ ' to only consider the donor atoms from one group, and the acceptor
+ ' from another group. (See \"DA\" / \"AD\" below).\n' \
+ '     Again, groups do not have to correspond to residues.  Of course,
there\n' \
+ ' can be multiple donors and acceptors in each group, and more than one
h-bond\n' \
+ ' connecting each pair of groups.  For example, one of list of groups\n' \
+ ' (say \"groups2.ndx\") might contain only a single group consisting of
all\n' \
+ ' of the solvent atoms.  In that case, for every frame in the
trajectory\n' \
+ ' '+program_name+' would simply report the number of water molecules
bonded to \n' \
+ ' every residue/group in the molecule.\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ 'Output (stored in the \"con.mat\" file in the example above):\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ '    For each frame in the trajectory used to generate the xpm file,
this\n' \
+ ' program generates a connectivity matrix (delimited by spaces and
newlines):\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ 'c11 c12 c13 ... c1n\n' \
+ 'c21 c22 c23 ... c2n\n' \
+ 'c31 c32 c33 ... c3n\n' \
+ ' :   :   :       :\n' \
+ 'cm1 cm2 cm3 ... cmn\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ ' where cij = the number of hydrogen bonds connecting group i (from the\n'
+ '             first list of groups) with group j (from the second list)\n'
+ '\n' \
+ 'Input:\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ ' hbmap.xpm    An .xpm file created by \"g_hbond -hbm\" that you want to
analyze\n' \
+ '              (See documentation for g_hbond.)\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ 'Arguments:\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ ' hbond.ndx    The ndx file created by \"g_hbond -hbn ...\"\n' \
+ ' groups1.ndx     The number of hydrogen bonds is counted between every
pair\n' \
+ ' groups2.ndx     of groups in these two index files: groups1.ndx &
groups2.ndx.\n' \
+ ' DA or AD     The 4th argument DA / AD is optional.\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ '              By using the \"DA\" and \"AD\" arguments, the user can
limit\n' \
+ '              the atoms that the program considers from groups1.ndx\n'\
+ '              and groups2.ndx.  The DA command line argument causes\n' \
+ '              '+program_name+' to ignore all atoms from the first list
of\n' \
+ '              groups which are not potential donor atoms, and all
atoms\n' \
+ '              from the second list which are not potential acceptors.\n'
+ '              (The reverse is true for the AD command.)\n' \
+ '\n'\
+ 'Performance Issues:\n' \
+ '\n'\
+ ' This program can consume lots of memory, due to the order that data
is\n' \
+ ' saved to the xpm file, especially for long trajectories.  If the
+ ' is performing very slowly (running out of memory), you can get around
+ ' problem by running g_hbond multiple times using the \"-b\" and \"-e\"
flags,\n'+ ' in order to generate multiple smaller .xpm files.  You can run
' \
+ ' multiple times and concatenate the results together.\n\n'

#  Read_hbond2atompairs(file)
# Read in the "hbond.ndx" file generated by "g_hbond -hbn hbond.ndx":
# Convert this information into a dictionary of tuples.
# (A simple list of tuples would also work, and be simpler.  Oh well.)
# Later, when we read in the body of the .xpm file, this lookup table
# will tell how the position in the .xpm file tells us
# which pair of (heavy) atoms are connected by the hydrogen bond?

def Read_hbond2atompairs(file):
    missing = -1
    lines = file.readlines()
    hb2ap = [] # <-which (DA) pairs of atoms correspond to each h-bond?
    redundant = [] # <-if we have read that pair already indicate that here
                   # (To avoid counting the same donor/acceptor pair twice)
    pairs = {} # <-used to keep track of which pairs we have read in so far

    for i in range(len(lines)-1, 0, -1):
        if (lines[i].find('[') == -1):
            tokens = lines[i].split()
            if len(tokens) == 3:
                [D, H, A] = lines[i].split()
                hb2ap.append((int(D), int(A)))
                if pairs.get((int(D),int(A)),missing)==missing:
                    pairs[(int(D),int(A))] = True

            elif len(tokens) > 0:
                print '\n ---- Format error: ----\n' \
                'Where: the .ndx file that should have been created by
\"g_hbond -hbn\"\n' \
                'Explanation: Most likely, you have specified your files in
the wrong order.\n\n' \
                ' ---- error details: ---- \n' \
                'You have the wrong number of entries on line ' \
                +str(i+1)+'\n'+'of the .ndx file.\n'
                'This file is supposed to contain h-bond triplets (DHA) in
the last group.\n' \
                'Consequently, the last group should contain 3 atoms per

    # We started this loop at the end of the list and read it in in reverse
    # order. I would think we need to reverse it again:  Consequently:
    redundant.reverse() #IN "hbond.ndx" HAS NOT YET BEEN FIXED

    return hb2ap,redundant  # <-- Return a list of pairs of atoms, hb2ap
                            #  The caller is warned if a pair is redundant

# Scan through the .xpm file to find the dimensions of the map to find:
#   The number of save points in the trajectory (= number of columns), and
#   the number of possible h-bonds (= number of rows).
#   Note: Table must be pre-allocated.

def ReadTableDimensions(file):
    for line in file:
        if line.find('*') == -1:
            dimensions = line.replace('\"', "").split()
            return int(dimensions[0]), int(dimensions[1])

# TranposeTable() reads in all the lines of a file. After removing the
# the remaining data is assumed to be a 2-dimensional array of characters.
# We copy this two dimensional array of characters to a table (a 2-D list)
# however we transpose it as we copy it.
# (Why do we transpose the data?
#  Because g_hbond saves creates a .xpm file with the data saved
#  in a way which the array in a strange format where the data from
#  different times, appears in different COLUMNS (not rows).
#  This is the opposite order that we need to access the data,
#  so we transpose it now.)

def TransposeTable(file, table):
    j = 0
    for line in file:
        if (line.find('*') == -1) and (line.find('"') != -1):
            line_no_quotes = line.replace('\"','') # get rid of "
            for i in range(0,len(line_no_quotes)):
                c = line_no_quotes[i]
                if ((c != '\n') and (c != ',')):
                    #print 'i,j,\'c\' = '+str(i)+','+str(j)+'\''+c+'\''
                    table[i][j] = c #copy & transpose
            j += 1

# Read the list of atoms belonging to every group
# (By "group", I mean the groups that the user wants us to keep track of
#  we count the number of h-bonds between groups. These two lists of groups
#  indicated by the 2nd and 3rd command line arguments to the main program.

def Read_atoms2groups(file):
    a2g = {}
    g_count = bracket_count = 0
    for line in file:
        if (line.find('[') == -1):
            for a in line.split():
                a2g[int(a)] = g_count
            bracket_count += 1
            if ((len(a2g) != 0) or (bracket_count > 1)):
    return a2g, g_count+1 # return the lookup table & number of groups

def PrintBondTable(numbonds):
    for g1 in range(0,len(numbonds)):
        for g2 in range(0,len(numbonds[g1])):
            if g2+1 < len(numbonds[g1]):
                sys.stdout.write(' ')

#  main program:
import sys
if (len(sys.argv) < 4) or (len(sys.argv) > 5):
    print '\nError:\n       Expected at least 3 arguments.\n\n' + docs

hb2ap_filename = sys.argv[1]
a2g_filename1 = sys.argv[2]
a2g_filename2 = sys.argv[3]

g1donors_g2acceptors = False
g1acceptors_g2donors = False
if len(sys.argv) > 4:
    if sys.argv[4] == 'DA':
        g1donors_g2acceptors = True
    elif sys.argv[4] == 'AD':
        g1acceptors_g2donors = True

hb2ap,redundant = Read_hbond2atompairs(open(hb2ap_filename,'r'))
a2g1,numgroups1 = Read_atoms2groups(open(a2g_filename1,'r'))
a2g2,numgroups2 = Read_atoms2groups(open(a2g_filename2,'r'))

#print hb2ap
#print redundant
#print a2g1
#print a2g2

# Read in the dimensions of the data in the .xpm file
# This includes the number of bonds, and the duration of the simulation.
# This should agree with the number of rows and columns in the .xpm file.

(sim_duration, numbonds_hb2ap) = ReadTableDimensions(sys.stdin)

# Now that we know how big it is, we create a large array
# to store the data in the .xpm file

lines = [[' ' for j in range(0,numbonds_hb2ap)] for i in

TransposeTable(sys.stdin, lines)

if numbonds_hb2ap != len(hb2ap):
    print '\nError: the number of hbonds [='+str(numbonds_hb2ap)+']
(Donor-Hydrogen-Acceptor triplets)\n'+\
    '       from the file \"'+hb2ap_filename+'\", (created by running
\"g_hbond -hbn\")\n'+\
    '       does not match the number of rows of data contained in the\n'+\
    '       .xpm file [='+str(len(hb2ap))+'] (created by running \"g_hbond
-hbm\").  Assuming you\n'+\
    '       did not make a mistake entering the filenames, you are probably
    '       buggy version of g_hbond.  The version of g_hbond which ships
    '      gromacs 3.3.1 has this bug.  (But it looks like they fixed it in
    '       CVS version.)  You need to obtain a newer version of
    '       and/or download and compile the CVS version.\n'+\
    '       Then you must use it to regenerate your .xpm and .ndx files.\n'

# Our goal:  For each moment in time during the simulation,
#            we want to calculate the following:

# numbondsDA[g1][g2]
# counts the number of times a donor from group g1 bonds to an acceptor from

# numbondsAD[g1][g2]
# counts the number of times an acceptor from group g1 bonds to a donor from

# numbonds[g1][g2]
# counts the total number of hydrogen bonds between groups g1 and g2
#   that is:
#   numbonds[g1][g2] = numbondsDA[g1][g2] + numbondsAD[g1][g2]

missing = -1

for line in lines:
    # preallocate the bond-counter tables to size: numgroups1 x numbroups2:
    numbonds = [[0 for g2 in range(0,numgroups2)] \
    for g1 in range(0,numgroups1)]
    numbondsDA=[[0 for g2 in range(0,numgroups2)] \
    for g1 in range(0,numgroups1)]
    numbondsAD=[[0 for g2 in range(0,numgroups2)] \
    for g1 in range(0,numgroups1)]

    # Loop over all of the possible bonds at this moment in time
    for b in range(0,len(hb2ap)):

        # If the bond exists,update the relevant bond counters:
        if ((line[b] == 'o') and (not redundant[b])):
            D,A = hb2ap[b] # lookup the donor and acceptor atoms
            g1=a2g1.get(D,missing)#ifD belongs to a group in g1.ndx
            g2=a2g2.get(A,missing)#& A belongs to a group in g2.ndx
            #print str(D)+','+str(A)+'{g'+str(g1+1)+',g'+str(g2+1)
            if ((g1!=missing) and (g2!=missing)):# then add 1 to
                numbondsDA[g1][g2] += 1      # the relevant
                numbonds[g1][g2] += 1        # bond counters

            g1=a2g1.get(A,missing)#ifA belongs to a group in g1.ndx
            g2=a2g2.get(D,missing)#& D belongs to a group in g2.ndx
            #print '  and {g'+str(g1+1)+',g'+str(g2+1)+'}'
            if ((g1!=missing) and (g2!=missing)):# then add 1 to
                numbondsAD[g1][g2] +=1       # the relevant
                numbonds[g1][g2] +=1         # bond counters

    if g1donors_g2acceptors:
        #print ' -----DA:---- '
    elif g1acceptors_g2donors:
        #print '     -AD:- '
        #print '   -total:- '
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