[gmx-developers] Hi and Gmx library development

Daniel Gutson daniel.gutson at fudepan.org.ar
Sat Jul 14 21:41:45 CEST 2007

Hi Gmx developers,
   we'd need to use some Gmx functionality (such as rmsd) from our programs.
It would be very nice to get such functionality as a library, and I
saw in the wiki that there are 2 related projects:
    * Analysis-Library
    * Analysis-Related

Are these projects intended for encapsulating the functionality as we need it?
If so, what's the status of the projects? We could contribute to that,
if it provides any help.
Additionally, our programs are written in C++, so if a library is to
be done, we could provide a thin (mostly inlined) C++ wrapping library
as well.



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