[gmx-developers] Energy and Virial long range corrections

Berk Hess hessb at mpip-mainz.mpg.de
Fri Feb 15 09:50:43 CET 2008

Juan S. Medina Alvarez wrote:

>Hello everybody
> Firstly a brief summary:
>Juan S. Medina Alvarez wrote:
>>>Dear Sir:
>>> I'm a Gromacs user, in Spain (Canary Islands). My
>calculations are 
>>>with water models that use intermolecular
>interactions different from
>>>Lennard-Jones type. Specifically I am using a MCY
>(Matsuoka Clementi 
>>>Yoshimine) potential for the O-H, O-O, ...
>interactions. Of course 
>>>through the use of tables in your program. The
>coefficients in the 
>>>force field file (ff*nb.itp)  are, in some cases,
>almost 10 orders of
>>>magnitude greater than the coefficients in the
>ffgmxnb.itp force 
>>>field, but there are not problems in the
>calculations obtaining total
>>>energies (I compare them to some calculations
>previously done by me 
>>>using Moldy -another MD software-). Nevertheless
>when I try to do the
>>>same calculations with the option "DispCorr:
>EnerPres" in the *.mdp 
>>>grompp configuration file I obtain very excessive
>values of energy
> and 
>>>pressure. For example with "DispCorr: no" the value
>of total energy
> is 
>>>in average -5714.39 kJ/mol while with "DispCorr:
>EnerPres" the mean 
>>>value is about -7.88564e+09 [sic] kJ/mol; similar
>and unconfortable 
>>>results occurs with pressure.
>>> I have thought that the reason for this behavior
>is this: Gromacs 
>>>calculates the Dispersion correction to energy and
>pressure using the
>>>Lennard-Jones model of potential instead of
>manipulating the tables 
>>>for the MCY potential. (The clue: the ratio among
>the C6 coefficients
>>>of the two models). If I am right I would like to
>modify those lines 
>>>of the Gromacs code which deal with the long range
>correction in 
>>>Energy and Virial terms. Unfortunately the code is
>too big to do that
>>>in the dark. So here is the motivation to write
>you. Could you point 
>>>me out which parts of the code I might to review to
>correct this if 
>>>I'm really in the good way?
>>> Yours faithfully
>>> Juan S. Medina Álvarez, Ph.D.
>>> e-mail: tlazcala at yahoo.es
>>> e-mail: jmedina at iusiani.ulpgc.es
>Berk Hess wrote (answer):
>>I have no clue how these potentials look like.
>>You also have not told how your tables are set up.
>>This question is a typical question for the
>gmx-developers mailing list.
>>Could you mail a short description of the problem and
>>the details of the potentials to the gmx-developers
>mailing list? I will answer there, so others might
>also profit from the discussion.
> Dear Sir:
> A MCY potential is an extended form of the Morse
>Potential. The precise analytical expression is:
>V_MCY(r)=A exp(-br) - C exp(-dr).
>( If A=D exp(2aR), C=2D exp(aR), and b=2a, d=a we
>recover the Morse Potential, i.e.
>V_morse(r)=D{(1-exp(-a(r-R)))^2-1} )
> We have a water model with four sites (O,H,H,I) and
>we calculated five tables (*.xvg) for the O-O, O-H,
>O-I, H-H, H-I, interactions and an additional table
>for the I-I remaning interaction (null one). Following
>the Gromacs manual instructions the first column is
>for the value of r, the second and the third columns
>are for interpolating the Coulomb's Potential; the
>fourth and the fifth ones for the dispersion term (
>exp(-dr) and d^2*exp(-dr) ) and, finally the sixth and
>the seventh column for the repulsion term ( exp(-br)
>and the proper derivative). The coefficients are
>in a customized force field file of type ff*nb.itp as
>C6=C and C12=A, (combinational rule 1).
> Really the first time I ran the model I didn't
>that the dispersion correction was surely done
>following a dispersion term of r^-6 order which is
>totally unsuitable for this kind of potentials.
> I would like to correct the long range energy and
>pressure/virial; could anyone point me out where I
>must   touch the code up to do this?
> Yours 
> Juan S. Medina Álvarez
> e-mail: tlazcala at yahoo.es
> e-mail: jmedina at iusiani.ulpgc.es
I think that the only code you have to change is in src/mdlib/sim_util.c,
lines 627-632:
      rc3  = fr->rvdw*fr->rvdw*fr->rvdw;
      rc9  = rc3*rc3*rc3;
      eners[0] += -4.0*M_PI/(3.0*rc3);
      eners[1] +=  4.0*M_PI/(9.0*rc9);
      virs[0]  +=  8.0*M_PI/rc3;
      virs[1]  += -16.0*M_PI/(3.0*rc9);

These currently give the energy and virial correction for -r^-6 and r^-12.
You should change this to the correction for your exponentials.
This will only work when b and d are the same for all potentials.


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