[gmx-developers] Assembler loops on Itanium2 Montecito (again)

Rafael R. Pappalardo rafapa at us.es
Tue Feb 26 14:35:13 CET 2008

I don't have enough expertize to fix the problem with assembly loops on 
Montecito. Following Carsten Kutzner suggestion I have compiled GROMACS 
enabling fortran loops and obtained a considerable speed up with respect to 
the C version. 

My suggestion is to include an specific test for Montecito CPUs and disable 
the assembly loops similarly to what it's done when the NOASSEMBLYLOOPS 
environment variable is set. I don't know if after the check for cpuid it's 
still possible to dissable the use of assembly loops.

In this way Gromacs could run in a system with a mixture of Itanium2 
processors. Running in Montecito processors will use fortran loops and on 
non-Montecito ones the assembly loops without the user needing to change the 
environment which cannot be feasible if there is a pool of cpus and you don't 
know in advance which type of processor will run the job. 

Thanks for the attention.

Best regards,

Dr. Rafael R. Pappalardo
Dept. Physical Chemistry, Univ. de Sevilla (Spain)
e-mail: rafapa at us.es

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