[gmx-developers] parallelization-dependent crashes in CVS Gromacs

Chris Neale chris.neale at utoronto.ca
Thu Jun 19 22:10:29 CEST 2008

I have found the same problem while using openmpi but not while using 
lam. openmpi is faster though so I use openmpi when I can. I never did 
find a solution to this problem or even develop a small test system. It 
seems to be related to system complexity in some way, but simply 
creating 8 different types of identical water did not lead to a crash 
for me.


Peter Kasson wrote:
> I've been encountering crashes in CVS gromacs depending on the 
> parallelization.  If I run a CVS-up-to-date mdrun (or any of various 
> snapshots within the past two months), I get a rapid crash as detailed 
> below.  However, if I run with either -rdd 1.6 [somewhat arbitrarily 
> chosen], -dd 2 2 1, or single-processor mdrun the  job completes 
> successfully.  I have also had errors on similar small test systems 
> where the error is a nsgrid failure (again on parallel but not 
> single-processor).  Larger test systems have been working ok for me, 
> although I haven't tried just replicating this box.
> Any ideas?  Has anyone else encountered something similar?
> (If you want input files, drop me a line.)
> Thanks,
> --Peter
> mpiexec -np 4 /array10/software/gmx/src/kernel/mdrun -v -dlb -deffnm 
> frame0
> [...]
> Reading file frame0.tpr, VERSION 3.3.99_development_20080208 (single 
> precision)
> Note: tpx file_version 54, software version 56
> Loaded with Money
> Making 1D domain decomposition 4 x 1 x 1
> starting mdrun 'CMG in water'
> 1000000 steps,   4000.0 ps.
> step 0
> t = 0.144 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 28978 can not be settled.
> Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.
> Back Off! I just backed up step36b_n1.pdb to ./#step36b_n1.pdb.1#
> Back Off! I just backed up step36c_n1.pdb to ./#step36c_n1.pdb.1#
> Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
> t = 0.148 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 28978 can not be settled.
> Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.
> Back Off! I just backed up step37b_n1.pdb to ./#step37b_n1.pdb.1#
> Back Off! I just backed up step37c_n1.pdb to ./#step37c_n1.pdb.1#
> Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
> t = 0.152 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 22435 can not be settled.
> Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.
> Back Off! I just backed up step38b_n1.pdb to ./#step38b_n1.pdb.1#
> Back Off! I just backed up step38c_n1.pdb to ./#step38c_n1.pdb.1#
> Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
> t = 0.156 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 9895 can not be settled.
> Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.
> Back Off! I just backed up step39b_n0.pdb to ./#step39b_n0.pdb.1#
> t = 0.156 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 22435 can not be settled.
> Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.
> Back Off! I just backed up step39b_n1.pdb to ./#step39b_n1.pdb.1#
> Back Off! I just backed up step39c_n1.pdb to ./#step39c_n1.pdb.1#
> Back Off! I just backed up step39c_n0.pdb to ./#step39c_n0.pdb.1#
> Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
> Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
> t = 0.160 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 9895 can not be settled.
> Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.
> Back Off! I just backed up step40b_n0.pdb to ./#step40b_n0.pdb.1#
> t = 0.160 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 39988 can not be settled.
> Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.
> Back Off! I just backed up step40b_n1.pdb to ./#step40b_n1.pdb.1#
> Back Off! I just backed up step40c_n1.pdb to ./#step40c_n1.pdb.1#
> Back Off! I just backed up step40c_n0.pdb to ./#step40c_n0.pdb.1#
> Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
> Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Program mdrun, VERSION 3.3.99_development_200800503
> Source code file: pme.c, line: 510
> Fatal error:
> 1 particles communicated to PME node 1 are more than a cell length out 
> of the domain decomposition cell of their charge group
> -------------------------------------------------------
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