[gmx-developers] Hands-on Tutorial - Brazil - 04/11 - For David

Elton Carvalho eltonfc at if.usp.br
Fri Nov 7 11:51:56 CET 2008

Hey there!

David, what's the probability that gcc4.1 causes Gromacs (or some
analysis tools) do 2+2=5 or something like that?

Would this be the reason for the non-reproduction of the results at
the tutorial sessions in São Carlos earlier this week, since those
machines had gcc4.1 running?

Prevaleço-me do ensejo para reiterar a Vossa Excelência protesto de
elevada estima e consideração.

Elton Carvalho
Tel.: +55 11 3091-6981/6979
Dept Física dos Materiais e Mecânica
Instituto de Física
Universidade de São Paulo
05315-970 São Paulo-SP, Brazil

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