[gmx-developers] regression tests - git failing?

Michael Shirts mrshirts at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 00:13:37 CEST 2009

Hi, guys-

I just pulled the latest git directory to see how my own changes were
faring on the regression tests -- I got the following failures.

single precision:
Testing aminoacids . . . FAILED. Check checkpot.out (      35 errors),
checkvir.out (402 errors) files in aminoacids

double precision:
Testing aminoacids . . . FAILED. Check checkpot.out (      35 errors),
checkvir.out (402 errors) files in aminoacids
N      Reference   This test
  10    -39.0984    -32.3783
  11    -39.0984    -32.3783
  12    -93.8123    -75.8899
  13    -93.8123    -75.8899
  21    -11007.5    -9914.46
There were 5 differences in final energy with the reference file
All 45 pdb2gmx tests PASSED
pdb2gmx tests FAILED

Now that we have a good regression test set that runs in just a few
minutes, and have public git repositories that make it easier to share
beta code, I'm wondering if it would make sense to ask that commits to
the main repository pass the regression tests -- this would make it
easier to locate problems and eliminate many coding errors.



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