[gmx-developers] Reference coordinates in mdrun - Availability at all nodes

Carsten Kutzner ckutzne at gwdg.de
Wed Jan 13 11:28:12 CET 2010


as David suggested, I have assembled in a new file the routines that are
useful to do comparisons to a set of reference positions (and for other
things as well). I called the new files group_util.[c,h] and put them
in ./src/mdlib/. I attach the header file if someone wants to take a look
over it and has useful suggestions before I commit. At the moment, the routines
are used by the essential dynamics module, and most of them also by the
enforced rotation module (which is in a separate branch, though).

Tsjerk, you might want to use dd_make_local_group_indices() to select
the local atoms of the group you need to compare against the reference.
If you pass the the cross products of particle velocities and reference
positions per node to get_center_comm(), it will do the global summing for

If everybody is happy with the new file, I would commit it to the master


David van der Spoel wrote:
> Carsten Kutzner wrote:
>> On Jan 6, 2010, at 12:27 PM, David van der Spoel wrote:
>>> Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
>>>> Hi Carsten,
>>>> Thanks a lot, that seems quite useful, and comes very close to what I
>>>> need. To elaborate a bit more, at runtime, I only need to have
>>>> differences between particle positions and their respective reference
>>>> positions, so adaptive local indexing seems most efficient, even
>>>> though it requires more memory. That shouldn't be a big problem
>>>> though. The difference vectors are to be summed, but I'd only need to
>>>> communicate partial sums, and then redistribute the outcome. I'm
>>>> vigilant, as I don't want to compromise/break anything. Would you mind
>>>> to look a bit over my shoulder? I can send you a more full account of
>>>> what I'm doing off line...
>>> If the simlarity between the code is sufficient, I would like to
>>> advocate to take out the communication bits from edsam.c and move
>>> them to a separate source code file, used by edsam and Tsjerk's code.
>>> In general the code that does communication is most prone to problems
>>> when changing e.g. the parallellisation scheme, and hence it is
>>> useful to minimize the amount of code doing communication. IMHO it is
>>> even worth doing some unnecessary work (e.g. copying arrays in
>>> running mdrun) in order to be able to re-use communication code.
>> This is a good idea. In general, all approaches that make use of some
>> set of reference positions against which the current ones are compared
>> could use these routines (this would also apply to the enforced rotation
>> module). Maybe we could also include other useful operations on
>> "collective"
>> coordinate subsets like fitting to the reference or getting the center
>> of mass, or making the structure whole.
> That sounds good!
> After moving the relevant routines from edsam.c to a new file it would
> be good to make a small API (in the header file) with comprehensible
> names not related to edsam.
> Cheers,

/*  -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; c-file-style: "stroustrup"; -*-
 *                This source code is part of
 *                 G   R   O   M   A   C   S
 *          GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations
 * Written by David van der Spoel, Erik Lindahl, Berk Hess, and others.
 * Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
 * Copyright (c) 2001-2008, The GROMACS development team,
 * check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.

 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
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 * And Hey:
 * Gallium Rubidium Oxygen Manganese Argon Carbon Silicon

/*! \file group_util.h
 *  @brief Assemble atom positions for comparison with a reference set.
 *  This file contains functions to assemble the positions of a subset of the
 *  atoms and to do operations on it like determining the center of mass, or
 *  doing translations and rotations. These functions are useful when
 *  a subset of the positions needs to be compared to some set of reference
 *  positions, as e.g. done for essential dynamics.

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include "typedefs.h"

/*! \brief Select local atoms of a group.
* Selects the indices of local atoms of a group and stores them in anrs_loc[0..nr_loc].
* If you need the positions of the group's atoms on all nodes, provide a coll_ind[0..nr]
* array and pass it on to communicate_group_positions. Thus the collective array
* will always have the same atom order (ascending indices).
*  \param ga2la[in]         Global to local atom index conversion data.
*  \param md[in]            Pointer to runtime atom data.
*  \param nr[in]            The total number of atoms that the group contains.
*  \param anrs[in]          The global atom number of the group's atoms.
*  \param nr_loc[out]       The number of group atoms present on the local node.
*  \param anrs_loc[out]     The local atom numbers of the group.
*  \param nalloc_loc[inout] Local allocation size of anrs_loc array.
*  \param coll_ind[opt]     If not NULL this array must be of size nr. It stores
*                           for each local atom where it belongs in the global
*                           (collective) array such that it can be gmx_summed
*                           in the communicate_group_positions routine.
extern void dd_make_local_group_indices(gmx_ga2la_t ga2la, t_mdatoms *md,
                                        const int nr, int anrs[], int *nr_loc,
                                        int *anrs_loc[], int *nalloc_loc,
                                        int coll_ind[]);

/*! \brief Assemble local positions into a collective array present on all nodes.
 * Communicate the positions of the group's atoms such that every node has all of
 * them. Unless running on huge number of cores, this is not a big performance impact
 * as long as the collective subset [0..nr] is kept small. The atom indices are
 * retrieved from anrs_loc[0..nr_loc]. If you call the routine for the serial case,
 * provide an array coll_ind[i] = i for i in 1..nr.
 * \param cr[in]             Pointer to MPI communication data.
 * \param xcoll[out]         Collective array of positions, idential on all nodes
 *                           after this routine has been called.
 * \param shifts[inout]      Collective array of shifts for xcoll, needed to make
 *                           the group whole. This array remembers the shifts
 *                           since the start of the simulation (where the group
 *                           is whole) and must therefore not be changed outside
 *                           of this routine!
 * \param extra_shifts[buf]  Extra shifts since last time step, only needed as
 *                           buffer variable [0..nr].
 * \param bNS[in]            Neighborsearching/domain redecomposition has been
 *                           performed at the begin of this time step such that
 *                           the shifts have changed and need to be updated.
 * \param x_loc[in]          Pointer to the local atom positions this node has.
 * \param nr[in]             Total number of atoms in the group.
 * \param nr_loc[in]         Number of group atoms on the local node.
 * \param anrs_loc[in]       Array of the local atom indices.
 * \param coll_ind[in]       This array of size nr stores for each local atom where
 *                           it belongs in the collective array so that the local
 *                           contributions can be gmx_summed. It is provided by
 *                           dd_make_local_group_indices.
 * \param xcoll_old[inout]   Positions from the last time step, used to make the
 *                           group whole.
 * \param box[in]            Simulation box matrix, needed to shift xcoll such that
 *                           the group becomes whole.
extern void communicate_group_positions(t_commrec *cr, rvec *xcoll, ivec *shifts,
                                        ivec *extra_shifts, const bool bNS,
                                        rvec *x_loc, const int nr, const int nr_loc,
                                        int *anrs_loc, int *coll_ind, rvec *xcoll_old,
                                        matrix box);

/*! \brief Calculates the center of the positions x locally.
 * Calculates the center of mass (if masses are given in the weight array) or
 * the geometrical center (if NULL is passed as weight).
 * \param x[in]              Positions.
 * \param weight[in]         Can be NULL or an array of weights. If masses are
 *                           given as weights, the COM is calculated.
 * \param nr[in]             Number of positions and weights if present.
 * \param center[out]        The (weighted) center of the positions.
extern void get_center(rvec x[], real weight[], const int nr, rvec center);

/*! \brief Calculates the sum of the positions x locally.
 * Calculates the (weighted) sum of position vectors and returns the sum of
 * weights, which is needed when local contributions shall be summed to a
 * global weighted center.
 * \param x[in]              Array of positions.
 * \param weight[in]         Can be NULL or an array of weights.
 * \param nr[in]             Number of positions and weights if present.
 * \param dsumvec[out]       The (weighted) sum of the positions.
 * \return Sum of weights.
extern double get_sum_of_positions(rvec x[], real weight[], const int nr, dvec dsumvec);

/*! \brief Calculates the global center of all local arrays x.
 * Get the center from local positions [0..nr_loc], this involves communication.
 * Not that the positions must already have the correct PBC representation. Use
 * this routine if no collective coordinates are assembled from which the center
 * could be calculated without communication.
 * \param cr[in]             Pointer to MPI communication data.
 * \param x_loc[in]          Array of local positions [0..nr_loc].
 * \param weight_loc[in]     Array of local weights, these are the masses if the
 *                           center of mass is to be calculated.
 * \param nr_loc[in]         The number of positions on the local node.
 * \param nr_group[in]       The number of positions in the whole group. Since
 *                           this is known anyway, we do not need to communicate
 *                           and sum nr_loc if we pass it over.
 * \param center[out]        The (weighted) center of all x_loc from all the
 *                           nodes.
extern void get_center_comm(t_commrec *cr, rvec x_loc[], real weight_loc[],
                            int nr_loc, int nr_group, rvec center);

/*! \brief Translate positions.
 * Add a translation vector to the positions x.
 * \param x[inout]           Array of positions.
 * \param nr[in]             Number of entries in the position array.
 * \param transvec[in]       Translation vector to be added to all positions.
extern void translate_x(rvec x[], const int nr, const rvec transvec);

/*! \brief Rotate positions.
 * Rotate the positions with the rotation matrix.
 * \param x[inout]           Array of positions.
 * \param nr[in]             Number of entries in the position array.
 * \param rmat[in]           Rotation matrix to operate on all positions.
extern void rotate_x(rvec x[], int nr, matrix rmat);

Dr. Carsten Kutzner
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Department
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-2012313, Fax: +49-551-2012302

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