[gmx-developers] next Gromacs release

Erik Marklund erikm at xray.bmc.uu.se
Tue Jun 15 14:15:38 CEST 2010

Rossen Apostolov skrev:
> Hi Erik,
> On 06/10/2010 10:12 PM, Erik Marklund wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hm. Embarassingly, it turns out that my posre-tpr didn't have any 
>> position restraints. That sure explains it. I guess the bug can be 
>> closed.
>> As for the g_hbond specifics, I first got error messages, then a 
>> segfault. It's easily circumvented by adding the following check:
>>            if (func_type == F_POSRES)
>>            {
>>                continue;
>>            }
>> which i did put in my version, but it seems I forgot to push it. The 
>> line that causes the problems reads:
>> i+=interaction_function[top->idef.functype[interaction->iatoms[i]]].nratoms+1) 
>> {
>> If interaction->iatoms[i] doesn't index idef.functype, then a lot of 
>> things can happen.
>> I'll push my gmx_hbond.c right away.
> Did you already updated the file? Can you close the bug if so.
> Rossen
>> Erik
>> Berk Hess skrev:
>>> Hi,
>>> For a tpr I made it works fine.
>>> Could you attach a tpr to the bugzilla?
>>> I already noticed the lacking documentation in idef.h, I fixed that 
>>> now.
>>> Berk
>>> Erik Marklund wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I suspected something along those lines. But why then is
>>>> top->idef.iparams_posres == NULL? g_hbond reads the tpr-file with
>>>> read_tpx_top, which in turn calls read_tpx() and
>>>> gmx_mtop_t_to_t_topology(). Here's what I spot when running gdb:
>>>> 1057                interaction=&(top->idef.il[func_type]);
>>>> (gdb) p top->idef    $1 = {
>>>>  ntypes = 412,
>>>>  atnr = 16,
>>>>  functype = 0x1002000,
>>>>  iparams = 0x799000,
>>>>  fudgeQQ = 0.833299994,
>>>>  cmap_grid = {
>>>>    ngrid = 0,
>>>>    grid_spacing = 0,
>>>>    cmapdata = 0x0
>>>>  },
>>>>  iparams_posres = 0x0, <==== Lookie here!
>>>>  iparams_posres_nalloc = 0,
>>>> ...
>>>> This suggests that the posres stuff isn't passed to the t_topology
>>>> properly. Dunno if this is a big issue for the analysis tools though.
>>>> Furthermore, if this is not a bug then I think one should extend the
>>>> unusually descriptive comment in idef.h to make it clear that the
>>>> t_ilist indexes the ipatams_posres[], and not params and functype[] as
>>>> the comment now states:
>>>> /*
>>>> * The struct t_ilist defines a list of atoms with their interactions.
>>>> * General field description:
>>>> *   int nr
>>>> *      the size (nr elements) of the interactions array (iatoms[]).
>>>> *   t_iatom *iatoms
>>>> *      specifies which atoms are involved in an interaction of a 
>>>> certain
>>>> *       type. The layout of this array is as follows:
>>>> *
>>>> *       
>>>> +-----+---+---+---+-----+---+---+-----+---+---+---+-----+---+---+...
>>>> *       
>>>> |type1|at1|at2|at3|type2|at1|at2|type1|at1|at2|at3|type3|at1|at2|
>>>> *       
>>>> +-----+---+---+---+-----+---+---+-----+---+---+---+-----+---+---+...
>>>> *
>>>> *      So for interaction type type1 3 atoms are needed, and for type2
>>>> and
>>>> *      type3 only 2. The type identifier is used to select the
>>>> function to
>>>> *      calculate the interaction and its actual parameters. This type
>>>> *      identifier is an index in a params[] and functype[] array.
>>>> */
>>>> hess at sbc.su.se skrev:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Due to the molecular topology change for 4.0
>>>>> posres now indexing into idef.iparams_posres iso idef.iparams.
>>>>> This is required, because position restraints are the only
>>>>> interactions with different parameters for each molecule.
>>>>> Berk
>>>>>> I found a new bug while attempting to fix bug 334 and submitted a 
>>>>>> new
>>>>>> bugzilla (http://bugzilla.gromacs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=428). I'm not
>>>>>> entirely sure this is a bug, or the way it's intended, but the 
>>>>>> t_ilist
>>>>>> contains strange things when the a tpr file is generated with 
>>>>>> position
>>>>>> restraints. I can easily make a fix for this in gmx_hbond.c, but 
>>>>>> that's
>>>>>> not how to mend broken things if the error really is in grompp.
>>>>>> To summarize, top->idef.il[F_POSRES] dereferences the wrong 
>>>>>> functypes.
>>>>>> For my test system it dereferences LJ (SR):
>>>>>>   (gdb) p top->idef.il[44].iatoms[0]
>>>>>>   $31 = 0
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>   (gdb) p top->idef.functype[0]
>>>>>>   $36 = 31
>>>>>>   (gdb) p interaction_function[31].longname
>>>>>>   $37 = 0x5fa3ba "LJ (SR)"
>>>>>> Is this really the way it should be?
>>>>>> Erik
>>>>>> Rossen Apostolov skrev:
>>>>>>> To all developers,
>>>>>>> The new release of Gromacs is coming close. Before releasing the 
>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>> packages though, in the next couple of weeks until June 15:
>>>>>>> * everything in bugzilla should be cleared (David already started
>>>>>>> exterminating :). If you see a bug that you can fix or help with,
>>>>>>> please do so.
>>>>>>> * if there are still any known issues, please file a bug asap or 
>>>>>>> send
>>>>>>> a patch.
>>>>>>> * do not add any new features! Berk has some AmberFF stuff but 
>>>>>>> apart
>>>>>>> from that everything new should wait for the next release
>>>>>>> * make sure that everything compiles without warnings on all 
>>>>>>> platforms
>>>>>>> that you have access to
>>>>>>> Hopefully all that will be done by the 15th and have a bug-free
>>>>>>> summer:)
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Rossen
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Erik Marklund, PhD student
>>>>>> Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
>>>>>> Husargatan 3, Box 596,    75124 Uppsala, Sweden
>>>>>> phone:    +46 18 471 4537        fax: +46 18 511 755
>>>>>> erikm at xray.bmc.uu.se    http://folding.bmc.uu.se/
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> gmx-developers mailing list
>>>>>> gmx-developers at gromacs.org
>>>>>> http://lists.gromacs.org/mailman/listinfo/gmx-developers
>>>>>> Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the
>>>>>> www interface or send it to gmx-developers-request at gromacs.org.

Erik Marklund, PhD student
Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
Husargatan 3, Box 596,    75124 Uppsala, Sweden
phone:    +46 18 471 4537        fax: +46 18 511 755
erikm at xray.bmc.uu.se    http://folding.bmc.uu.se/

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