[gmx-developers] Re: problem with qm_mopac.c

Alexey Shvetsov alexxyum at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 13:10:35 CET 2010

On Воскресенье 21 марта 2010 14:29:58 Vitaly V. Chaban wrote:
> >> =================================
> >> [lcc007 at zeon fortran]$ gfortran -fPIC -std=legacy -fno-automatic -c *.f
> >>   In file symtrz.f:1045
> >> 
> >>        DATA TOLER,IFRA /  0.1, '????'/
> >>                               1
> >> Error: Incompatible types in assignment at (1), CHARACTER(1) to
> >> INTEGER(4) =================================
> > 
> > Write
> > character*4 ifra
> > on the line before the data statement or something like that
> This resulted in another error in the same file:
> ====================================
>  In file symtrz.f:1
> 7C
>  1
> Error: Non-numeric character in statement label at (1)
>  In file symtrz.f:1051
>       NAMES=IFRA
>            1
> Error: Can't convert CHARACTER(1) to INTEGER(4) at (1)
> ====================================
> Vitaly

what mopac7 sources version do you tryed to use?
and where did you get it?
Best Regards,
Alexey 'Alexxy' Shvetsov
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia
Department of Molecular and Radiation Biophysics
Gentoo Team Ru
Gentoo Linux Dev
mailto:alexxyum at gmail.com
mailto:alexxy at gentoo.org
mailto:alexxy at omrb.pnpi.spb.ru
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