[gmx-developers] Reaction Filed crash!

baptista at itqb.unl.pt baptista at itqb.unl.pt
Tue Dec 20 04:35:34 CET 2011

On Mon, 19 Dec 2011, Berk Hess wrote:

> On 12/18/2011 04:29 PM, David van der Spoel wrote:
>> On 12/18/11 1:27 AM, baptista at itqb.unl.pt wrote:
>>> On Sat, 17 Dec 2011, Berk Hess wrote:
>>>> I will try to clarify the situation a bit.
>>>> Pre-4.5 there were 4 approximation/errors in this typical "Gromos" setup
>>>> and a complicating factor:
>>>> 1. Non-buffered pair-lists reused for nstlist-1 steps: no real
>>>> Hamiltonian
>>>> 2. Reaction-field with epsilon_rf<infinity: discontinuous energy and
>>>> force at cut-off
>>>> 3. Twin-range interactions (or multiple time stepping) with 5*2=10 fs
>>>> for the forces
>>>> beyond 0.9 nm, but the reorientation of water only allows time steps
>>>> up to 5 fs
>>>> 4. A non-reversible multiple time stepping scheme
>>>> 5. A thermostat with strong coupling (pre-4.0 also Berendsen: one
>>>> other error)
>>>> Factors 1-4 cause serious integration errors in the long-range
>>>> electrostatics
>>>> which all lead to serious heating of the system, but different for
>>>> water and protein.
>>>> Factor 5 couples off this heat, but with such strong heating you no
>>>> longer know
>>>> what happening.
>>>> In version 4.5 I fixed factor 4. This takes out one source of error
>>>> and heating.
>>>> But as different errors affect different aspects/components
>>>> differently, it's very
>>>> difficult to tell what will happen.
>>>> Factors 1-3 can be fixed at a high computational cost (although 4.6
>>>> might help here).
>>>> My hypothesis is that factor 4 caused massive heating everywhere and
>>>> combined
>>>> with a strongly coupled thermostat, all effects a seriously dampened,
>>>> including those of 1-3.
>>>> Fixing factor 4 gives less heating, thus less thermostat coupling and
>>>> possibly less
>>>> uniform heating between water and protein (due to effects of 1-3 being
>>>> damped less),
>>>> causing hydrogens in the protein to overheat. But as there are so many
>>>> complicating factors,
>>>> it's difficult to find out what's really happening.
>>>> When I fixed factors 1-3, by different mdp settings, I get perfect
>>>> energy conservation in 4.5,
>>>> but that's at a high computational cost.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Berk
>>> Thanks for clarifying the different factors involved. I see what you
>>> mean. The relation between these factors is intricate and difficult to
>>> antecipate, and trying to fix one of them ended up making things
>>> unstable when using some setups (such as ours).
>> As I pointed out earlier, due to large inherent heating in your setup, the 
>> system becomes unstable, and one can delay the "fatal fluctuation" but not 
>> indefinitely.
>>> You mention that 4.6 might help with factors 1-3. Does that mean that
>>> you are making further changes? Assuming that we decide to stick with
>>> our current setup, would you then advise us to stay with 4.0 for now
>>> and wait for 4.6 to be released?
>> If Berk has implemented these things correctly (which he usually does) 4.6 
>> will make it more efficient to run with perfect energy conservation, but 
>> the inherent problems in your setup remain.
> I don't have a "magic" solution which will make perfectly accurate 
> simulations as fast as the twin-range setup in 4.0.
> However, new kernels in 4.6 will make buffered pair lists much faster than 
> version 4.5.
> Except for water, these new kernels will even be faster than unbuffered 4.5.
> The force jump is solved by using epsilon_rf=0.
> The twin-range efficiency issue can't be solved, as 10 fs is simply too large 
> an integration step for water.
> If you have a GPU, a full 1.4 nm cut-off will be about as fast as 4.0 with 
> twin-range.
> And my take on the PME vs RF problem:
> If you have interactions between periodic images with PME, this means you 
> have relevant long-range interactions.
> PME treats those incorrectly, RF simply ignores them completely. I think this 
> means that the error with PME
> is smaller, as treating them in some way is better than completely ignoring 
> them. But anyhow, this means that
> your unit cell is too small and you should enlarge it.
> If there are no long-range interactions, PME and RF (possibly with a long 
> cut-off) are equally valid.
> If you there are medium or long-range interactions PME will always be more 
> efficient than RF.

I think the PME vs RF issue actually involves three different questions:

1. Which one is based on a more realistic physical model?

For crystals: PME, of course. For solvated systems: RF with a cutoff 
radius larger than the solute (but usually it's smaller) or PME with a 
huge box that makes the lattice resemble a dilute solution (but usually 
it's much smaller). For membrane systems: probably PME (but with the 
concerns I noted before).

2. Which one better mimics the electrostatic field experienced by 
the real system and better reproduces its properties?

As I said before, I'm still not convinced of the superiority of either of 
them, but some would say PME.

3. Which one is more robust in practice, particularly interfacing with MD 

Apparently PME.

My point is that the fact that PME is the right answer to 3 and perhaps 2, 
shouldn't make us jump to the conclusion that it's also the right answer 
to question 1. Obviously, my choice of method will be firstly based on 2, 
and then (for practical reasons) on 3 and speed, but 1 can be crucial to 
makes us proceed with new ideas and develop new methods. And I rest my 
case... :)

Thanks for all the help!


> Berk
> -- 
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