[gmx-developers] Coordinate scaling in pdbio.c

Mark Abraham Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Wed Apr 11 15:58:37 CEST 2012

On 11/04/2012 10:33 PM, Erik Marklund wrote:
> 11 apr 2012 kl. 13.40 skrev Mark Abraham:
>> On 11/04/12, *Erik Marklund *<erikm at xray.bmc.uu.se 
>> <mailto:erikm at xray.bmc.uu.se>> wrote:
>>> 11 apr 2012 kl. 01.38 skrev Mark Abraham:
>>>> On 11/04/2012 5:21 AM, David van der Spoel wrote:
>>>>> On 2012-04-10 21:10, Anton Feenstra wrote:
>>>>>> On 09/04/12 21:47, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
>>>>>>> Radhakrishna Bettadapura wrote:
>>>>>>>> All,
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to figure out why a pdb input to pdb2gmx results in
>>>>>>>> coordinates that are scaled by a factor of 0.1. That is, if a 
>>>>>>>> line in
>>>>>>>> the PDB file reads
>>>>>>>> ATOM 1 N ALA B 3 -1.221 20.481 12.450 1.00 34.64 N
>>>>>>>> then the corresponding line in the .gro file reads
>>>>>>>> 3ALA N 1 -0.122 2.048 1.245
>>>>>>>> The culprit seems to be the following lines in pdbio.c:
>>>>>>>> static int read_atom(t_symtab *symtab,
>>>>>>>> char line[],int type,int natom,
>>>>>>>> t_atoms *atoms,rvec x[],int chainnum,gmx_bool bChange)
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>> // do stuff
>>>>>>>> x[natom][XX]=strtod(xc,NULL)*0.1; /*all coordinates scaled by 
>>>>>>>> 0.1...
>>>>>>>> why?*/
>>>>>>>> x[natom][YY]=strtod(yc,NULL)*0.1;
>>>>>>>> x[natom][ZZ]=strtod(zc,NULL)*0.1;
>>>>>>>> //do more stuff
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> There's also a line in the output function that multiplies all
>>>>>>>> incoming coordinates by 10 before writing it to output:
>>>>>>>> void write_pdbfile_indexed(FILE *out,const char *title,
>>>>>>>> t_atoms *atoms,rvec x[],
>>>>>>>> int ePBC,matrix box,char chainid,
>>>>>>>> int model_nr, atom_id nindex, atom_id index[],
>>>>>>>> gmx_conect conect, gmx_bool bTerSepChains)
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>> //do stuff...
>>>>>>>> fprintf(out,pdbform,pdbtp[type],(i+1)%100000,nm,resnm,ch,resnr,
>>>>>>>> (resic == '\0') ? ' ' : resic,
>>>>>>>> 10*x[i][XX],10*x[i][YY],10*x[i][ZZ],occup,bfac,atoms->atom[i].elem);
>>>>>>>> // do more stuff...
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> Can someone tell me why this coordinate scaling occurs? And why the
>>>>>>>> scale factor is a single hard-coded number than, say, something 
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> depends on the input?
>>>>>>> PDB coordinates are in Angstrom, while .gro coordinates are in 
>>>>>>> nm. Hence
>>>>>>> the conversion factor of 0.1.
>>>>>> What happened to A2NM and NM2A?
>>>>>> In my (4.0.5, yes that is very old) includes/physics.h I still see:
>>>>>> #define A2NM (ANGSTROM/NANO) /* NANO */
>>>>>> #define NM2A (NANO/ANGSTROM) /* 10.0 */
>>>>>> Why aren't these still used for that?
>>>>> At some stage macros were removed from the code, even though these 
>>>>> seem rather harmless. I agree that it is confusing to hard code 
>>>>> these numbers. If we cannot use macro's like this we should 
>>>>> probably replace them by
>>>>> static const real ANGSTROM=1e-10;
>>>>> static const real NANO=1e-9;
>>>>> etc.
>>>>> Comments?
>>>> include/physics.h still has these macros. IMO, hard-coded constants 
>>>> are a greater evil than macros to prevent that, though I expect we 
>>>> will transition to const values at some stage soon.
>>> But are these the kind of macros we want to avoid? Aren't 
>>> function-like macros the ones to kill in the first place?
>>  They're taking no parameters, so they're hardly function-like. The 
>> code fragments above are compiled into constants by the 
>> pre-processor. A macro that is used as
>> dist_in_nm = dist_in_angstrom * A2NM;
>> is much less evil than a macro
>> dist_in_nm = A2NM(dist_in_angstrom);
> My point exactly. I'm just not seeing the harm in using macros in 
> cases like these.

Sorry, I read "aren't" in your first sentence when I first read it :-)

Sure, these seem benign until someone uses "A2NM" in some other context 
("NMA2NMB" anyone?) and gets a bizarre error message referring to 
symbols that don't "exist". You really don't want to know what the 
GROMACS macro C0 (defunct in release-4-6 branch) does to parts of Boost. 
Also, such macro "symbols" are normally not available when debugging, 
and that can make life hard.

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