[gmx-developers] creating a new branch in the main repository?

Shirts, Michael R. (mrs5pt) mrs5pt at eservices.virginia.edu
Sat Feb 7 05:26:18 CET 2015

Apologies if this should have been obvious and I could figure it out.

I want to create a new branch in the main repository so I can share a
particular functionality that will never make it into the main repository
(too much complication, only useable in some very restrictive cases, long
story).  I tried googling around, but couldn't find something that made
sense. git push origin NEWBRANCH gave me a 'fatal: remote error: access
denied or repository not exported: /gromacs.git' error - was this because
my permissions weren't set up right?  Should I just set up a private

Thanks for any advice!

Michael Shirts
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Virginia
michael.shirts at virginia.edu
(434) 243-1821

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