[gmx-users] configure/compile problem

Bert de Groot bgroot at gwdg.de
Tue Sep 18 13:04:56 CEST 2001


I've got the following configure/compile problem on our linux box (running Suse 7.1, with MPICH installed):

tar xvzf gromacs-3.0.3.tar.gz
cd gromacs-3.0.3
./configure --prefix=/mnt/dolphindat/degroot/gmx3_mpi --enable-mpi


ar cru .libs/libgmx_mpi.a  3dview.o atomprop.o block_tx.o bondfree.o buffer.o calcgrid.o calch.o confio.o copyrite.o disre.o do_fit.o enxio.o ewald_util.o fatal.o ffscanf.o filenm.o futil.o gbutil.o fnbf.o gmxfio.o ifunc.o index.o cinvsqrtdata.o
crecipdata.o invblock.o javaio.o macros.o main.o maths.o matio.o memdump.o mshift.o mvdata.o mvxvf.o names.o network.o nrama.o nrjac.o nrnb.o pargs.o pbc.o pdbio.o princ.o rando.o random.o rbin.o rdgroup.o readinp.o replace.o rmpbc.o shift_util.o
sortwater.o smalloc.o stat.o statutil.o strdb.o string2.o symtab.o tpxio.o trnio.o trxio.o txtdump.o typedefs.o viewit.o wgms.o wman.o writeps.o xdrd.o xtcio.o xvgr.o x86_cpu.o libxdrf.o vec.o innerc.o mpiio.o x86_cpuid.o x86_sse.o x86_3dnow.o
ar: x86_cpuid.o: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [libgmx_mpi.la] Error 1

By accident, I found the following workaround:
-first configure+compile the sequential version
-then configure+compile the parallel version

So something like:
./configure --prefix=/mnt/dolphindat/degroot/gmx3_mpi
./configure --prefix=/mnt/dolphindat/degroot/gmx3_mpi --enable-mpi
make mdrun


Dr. Bert de Groot

Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Theoretical molecular biophysics group
Am Fassberg 11 
37077 Goettingen, Germany

tel: +49-551-2011306, fax: +49-551-2011089

email: bgroot at gwdg.de

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