[gmx-users] Amber run parameters conversion 1.1
Anton Feenstra
feenstra at chem.vu.nl
Wed Dec 4 14:08:36 CET 2002
Hi All,
Never can seem to get it right the first time...
- Fixed conversion of cutoff from A to nm. THIS IS IMPORTANT!
- removed some debug stuff.
- parse through comments from mdin file.
________ ___________________________________________________________
| | Anton Feenstra |
| . | Dept. of Pharmacochemistry - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
| |---- | De Boelelaan 1083 - 1081 HV Amsterdam - The Netherlands |
| |---- | Tel: +31 20 44 47608 - Fax: +31 20 44 47610 |
| ' __ | Feenstra at chem.vu.nl - http://www.chem.vu.nl/afdelingen/FAR|
| / \ |-----------------------------------------------------------|
| ( ) | Dept. of Biophysical Chemistry - University of Groningen |
| \__/ | Nijenborgh 4 - 9747 AG Groningen - The Netherlands |
| __ | Tel +31 50 363 4327 - Fax +31 50 363 4800 |
| / \ | K.A.Feenstra at chem.rug.nl - http://md.chem.rug.nl/~anton |
| ( ) |-----------------------------------------------------------|
| \__/ | "I Can't Shake It" (Dinosaur Jr) |
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Amber2gmx 1.1
# Reads Amber parameter file (mdin) and converts to Gromacs .mdp file
# Version 1.1
# Copyright (c) 2002
# Anton Feenstra - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - The Netherlands
# strings:
function strip_space(s)
gsub(" ","",s);
return s;
function fix_newline(m,s)
return m;
function outfile(fnm, n)
if (fnm=="-") fnm="amber";
fnm = fnm n;
fnm = fnm".mdp";
return fnm;
# message:
function error(m)
print "ERROR: "fix_newline(m," ")".";
function warning(m)
print "WARNING: "fix_newline(m," ")".";
function unimpl(m)
warning("Unimplemented feature: "m);
function note(m)
print "NOTE: "fix_newline(m," ")".";
# specific messages:
function unsupported_parameter(p,v,m)
warning("unsupported parameter '"p"' ("v", "m")");
function ignore_parameter(p,v,m)
note("ignoring parameter '"p"' ("v", "m")");
function set_fudge(p,v)
warning("in the '[ defaults ]' section of your .top file, \n"\
"set parameter 'Fudge"p"' to '"1/v"'");
function unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,m)
error("unsupported value '"v"' for '"p"' ("m")");
# maths:
function min(a,b)
return a<b?a:b;
function max(a,b)
return a>b?a:b;
# parsing:
function set_parameter(p, v)
# keep track of settings:
if (parameter_set[p]) warning("Duplicate parameter '"p"' ("v")");
# general flags
if (p=="timlim") ignore_parameter(p,v,"Time Limit in seconds");
else if (p=="imin") {
if (v==0) parm["integrator"] = "md";
else if (v==1) parm["integrator"] = "steep";
else unsupported_parameter_value(p,v);
else if (p=="nmropt") {
if (v!=0) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,"NMR optimizations");
else if (p=="ntx") ignore_parameter(p,v,"Read coordinates");
else if (p=="irest") ignore_parameter(p,v,"Restart flag");
else if (p=="ntrx" ||
# output
p=="ntxo" ||
p=="ioutfm") ignore_parameter(p,v,"Coordinate format");
else if (p=="ntpr") parm["nstlog"] = v;
else if (p=="ntwr") parm["nstxout"] = parm["nstvout"] = v;
else if (p=="ntwx") parm["nstxtcout"] = v;
else if (p=="ntwv") {
if (parm["nstvout"]==0) parm["nstvout"] = v;
else parm["nstvout"] = min(parm["nstvout"],v);
else if (p=="ntwe") parm["nstenergy"] = v;
else if (p=="ntwxm" ||
p=="ntwvm" ||
p=="ntwem") ignore_parameter(p,v,"Output steps limit");
else if (p=="ntwprt") {
if (v<0) warning("Should write only solute atoms");
else if (v>0) warning("Should write only atoms 1-"v);
# potential function
else if (p=="ntf") ignore_parameter(p,v,"Force evaluation");
else if (p=="ntb") { parm["pbc"] = "xyz";
if (v==0) parm["pbc"] = "none";
else if (v==1) parm["Pcoupl"] = "No";
else if (v==2) parm["Pcoupl"] = "Yes";
else unsupported_parameter_value(p,v);
else if (p=="idiel") {
if (v!=1) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,"Dielectric function");
else if (p=="dielc") parm["epsilon_r"] = v;
else if (p=="cut") parm["rcoulomb"] = parm["rvwd"] = v*A2nm;
else if (p=="ntnb") {
if (v==0) parm["nstlist"] = 0;
else if (v==1) parm["nstlist"] = 25;
else unsupported_parameter_value(p,v);
else if (p=="nsnb") parm["nstlist"] = v;
else if (p=="ntid") unsupported_parameter(p,v,"Water pairlist");
else if (p=="scnb") set_fudge("LJ",v);
else if (p=="scee") set_fudge("QQ",v);
else if (p=="cut2nd") parm["rlist"] = v*A2nm;
else if (p=="ichdna") {
if (v!=0) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,"(Un)Charge end hydrogens");
# soft repulsion
else if (p=="isftrp") {
if (v!=0) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,"Soft repulsions");
else if (p=="rwell") unsupported_parameter(p,v,"Soft repulsions");
# polarizability
else if (p=="ipol") {
if (v!=0) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,"Polarizability");
else if (p=="n3b"||
p=="nion") unsupported_parameter(p,v,"");
# freeze and posre
else if (p=="ibelly") freeze = v;
else if (p=="ntr") posre = v;
# EM (and nrun and nstlim from MD section below)
else if (p=="maxcyc" ||
p=="nstlim") {
gp = "nsteps";
if ( !parm[gp] ) parm[gp] = v; else parm[gp] *= v;
note("Parameter '"p"' ("v") incorporated into '"gp"' ("parm[gp] ")");
else if (p=="ntmin") {
if (v==0) if (parm["integrator"]!="md") parm["integrator"]="cg";
else if (v==1) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v);
else if (v==2) if (parm["integrator"]!="md") parm["integrator"]="steep";
else unsupported_parameter_value(p,v);
else if (p=="dx0") parm["emstep"] = v*A2nm;
else if (p=="dxm") ignore_parameter(p,v,"");
else if (p=="drms")
warning("Parameter '"p"' ("v", RMS of gradient, kcal/mol A)\n"\
"should be converted to 'emtol' (Max force, kJ/mol nm)");
# MD (nrun and nstlim are in EM section above)
else if (p=="ndfmin") ignore_parameter(p,v,"");
else if (p=="ntcm") {
if (v==0) parm["nstcomm"] = 0;
else if (v==1) parm["nstcomm"] = parm["nsteps"]*10;
else unsupported_parameter_value(p,v);
else if (p=="nscm") parm["nstcomm"] = v;
else if (p=="init") {
if (v==3) parm["gen_vel"] = "yes";
else if (v==4) parm["gen_vel"] = "no";
else unsupported_parameter_value(p,v);
else if (p=="t") parm["t_init"] = v;
else if (p=="dt") parm["dt"] = v;
# Temperature
else if (p=="temp0") reft = v;
else if (p=="tempi") tempi = v;
else if (p=="heat") heat = v;
else if (p=="ig") parm["gen_seed"] = v;
else if (p=="ntt") {
if ( v==0 || v==1 || v==5 ) {
if (v==0) parm["tcoupl"] = "no";
if (v==1 || v==5) parm["tcoupl"] = "berendsen";
if (v==1) {
parm["ref_t"] = "reft";
parm["tau_t"] = "tautp";
if (v==2 || v==5) {
parm["tc_grps"] = "Solute Solvent";
parm["ref_t"] = "reft reft";
if (v==2) parm["tau_t"] = "tautp 0";
if (v==5) parm["tau_t"] = "tautp tauts";
else if (p=="isolvp") ignore_parameter(p,v,"Last solute atom");
else if (p=="dtemp") unsupported_parameter(p,v,"");
else if (p=="tautp") tautp = v;
else if (p=="tauts") tauts = v;
else if (p=="vlimit") {
if (v!=0) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,"Velocity Limit");
# 'peacs'
else if (p=="tauv0") {
if (v!=0) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,"PEACS temperature algorithm");
else if (p=="tauv") ignore_parameter(p,v,"");
else if (p=="vzero") ignore_parameter(p,v,"");
# pressure
else if (p=="ntp") {
if (v==0) parm["pcoupl"] = "no";
else if (v==1) parm["pcoupl"] = "berendsen";
else if (v==2) {
parm["pcoupl"] = "berendsen";
parm["pcoupltype"] = "isotropic";
else unsupported_parameter_value(p,v);
else if (p=="comp") parm["compressibility"] = v*1e-6;
else if (p=="taup") parm["tau_p"] = v;
else if (p=="npscal") {
if (v!=0) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,"");
# shake
else if (p=="ntc") {
if (v==0) parm["constraints"] = "none";
else if (v==1) parm["constraints"] = "hbonds";
else if (v==2) parm["constraints"] = "all-bonds";
else unsupported_parameter_value(p,v);
else if (p=="tol") parm["shake_tol"] = v;
# special water treatment
else if (p=="imgslt") {
if (v!=0) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,"Solvent imaging");
else if (p=="iftres") {
if (v!=1) unsupported_parameter_value(p,v,"Intermolecular interactions");
else if (p=="jfastw"||
p=="hwtnam2") ignore_parameter(p,v,"Fast water");
# pme
else if (p=="iewald") {
if (v==0) parm["coulombtype"] = "cut-off";
else if (v==1) {
parm["coulombtype"] = "PME";
warning("Special input parameters for PME (fftgrid) not converted");
else unsupported_parameter_value(p,v);
function post_process()
if (freeze) unimpl("Freeze groups");
if (posre) unimpl("Position restraints");
if (tempi)
parm["gen_temp"] = tempi;
if (heat)
parm["gen_temp"] *= heat;
gsub("reft", reft, parm["ref_t"]);
function output(outfile)
print "Writing "outfile".";
print ";" > outfile;
print "; This file was converted by "PROGRAM" "VER" from "FILENAME > outfile;
print "; Copyright (c) 2002 Anton Feenstra" > outfile;
print ";" > outfile;
print "; parameters will not always be the verbatim translation" > outfile;
print "; Amber default values are not considered" > outfile;
print "; Check mdout.mdp (from grompp) for Gromacs default values" > outfile;
print ";" > outfile;
print "; There were", nnote, "notes,", nwarn, "warnings and",
nerr, "errors during conversion" > outfile;
print ";" > outfile;
for(i=0; i<ncmt; i++)
print "; "comments[i] > outfile;
print ";" > outfile;
print "" > outfile;
for(i in parm)
printf("%-20s = %s\n", i, parm[i]) > outfile;
function clear_parms()
for(i in parameter_set)
delete parameter_set[i];
for(i in parm)
delete parm[i];
# initialize:
VER = "1.1";
PROGRAM = "amber2mdp"
print "This is "PROGRAM" Version "VER".";
print "Copyright (c) 2002 Anton Feenstra";
print "Anton Feenstra - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - The Netherlands";
print "";
print "Reads Amber parameter file (mdin) and converts to Gromacs .mdp file";
print "";
ncntrl= 0;
nwarn = 0;
nerr = 0;
ncmt = 0;
# conversion parameters:
A2nm = 0.1;
FNR == 1 && NR != 1 {
print "There were", nnote, "notes, ", nwarn, "warnings and", nerr, "errors";
terr += nerr;
twarn += nwarn;
tnote += nnote;
nerr = 0;
nwarn = 0;
nnote = 0;
nctrl = 0;
for(i=0;i<ncmt;i++) delete comments[i];
ncmt = 0;
# store comments
/^#/ {
sub("^ ","");
# parse parameter block
! /^#/ {
gsub(" *= *","=");
gsub(", *"," ");
np = split ($0, parms, " ");
# print np, $0;
for(i=1; i<=np; i++) {
if ( substr(parms[i],1,1) == "&" ) {
pblock = block;
block = substr(parms[i],2);
if (block == "cntrl") {
print "Start of control block";
cntrl = 1;
else if (block == "end") {
if (ignore)
else if (cntrl) {
print "End of control block";
print "End of block ("pblock").";
ignore = 0;
else {
printf("Skipping unknown block "block" (");
ignore = 1;
else if (ignore)
printf(" "parms[i]);
else if (cntrl) {
if (split(parms[i], words, " *= *")!=2)
error("wrong format: "parms[i]);
tolower(words[1]); tolower(words[2]);
else {
print "Skipping unknown line: "$0;
# finalize
print "There were", nnote, "notes, ", nwarn, "warnings and", nerr, "errors";
if (tnote || twarn || terr) {
print "";
print "In total:", tnote, "notes, ", twarn, "warnings and", terr, "errors";
#last line
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