[gmx-users] Energy Minimize problem about converge!!

Erik Wensink wensink at telia.com
Thu Dec 26 11:00:49 CET 2002

cavities/voids in the system -system far from equilibruim density-
can also result in potential energy >0. Carrying out  MD runs with high 
pressure -after
first doing steepest descents- can 'drive these voids' out out and bring 
the systeem closer to an equilibrium configuration (still normal md 
required after, to reach this).
best regards,

nanyu101 wrote:

>Dear gmx-users,
>  When I run energy minimize,my system told me that it can converge.And my starting structure is formal.It's the information that system told:
>Steepest Descents:
>   Tolerance         =  1.00000e+02
>   Number of steps   =       250000
>Stepsize too small (9.79552e-07 nm)Converged to machine precision,
>but not to the requested precision (100)
>writing lowest energy coordinates.
>Steepest Descents did not converge in 32 steps
>  Potential Energy  =  1.49787e+04
>Maximum force:  1.35434e+03
>My em.mdp is below;
>;	User spoel (236)
>;	Wed Nov  3 17:12:44 1993
>;	Input file
>cpp                 =  /lib/cpp
>define              =  -DFLEX_SPC
>constraints         =  none
>integrator          =  steep
>emtol               =  10
>emstep              =  0.02
>nsteps              =  50000
>nstcgsteep          =  1000
>pbc                 =  xyz
>nstxout             =  500
>nstvout             =  500
>nstlog              =  500
>nstlist             =  10
>ns_type             =  grid
>rlist               =  1.0
>rcoulomb            =  1.0
>rvdw                =  1.0
>tcoupl              =  no
>Pcoupl              =  Berendsen
>tau_p               =  1.0
>compressibility     =  4.5e-5
>ref_p               =  1.0
>gen_vel             =  yes
>gen_temp            =  500
>gen_seed            =  173529
>Was it wrong?If it's right,are there possible my topology file wrong or my force field wrong,such as proper and improper dihedrals,angles and bonds? Thanks for your help.
>Best wishes,
>Xianhui Wu
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Erik Wensink                 Phone:  +47-55-582850
Fysisk institutt, Rm.496     GSM:    +46-70-4950676
University of Bergen         Fax:    +47-55-589440
Allegt. 55                   E-mail:
N-5007 Bergen, NORWAY        erikw at fi.uib.no

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