[gmx-users] Aton not found (fixed)

Patrick Ladam ladam at smbh.smbh.univ-paris13.fr
Tue Jul 9 00:51:14 CEST 2002

Hi again,

ooops... you got it right Anton, I added atom names instead of atom types in the
.itp file (....)
i was just too obsessed by the .rtp file, I am fixing it now. Sorry for this but
as I am going
back and forth between hacking GMX and other activities... One should isolate
when doing
this type of things...

ThanX again

| Patrick LADAM                   |                               |
| Laboratoire CSSB                |     THE BIG BANG THEORY:      |
| UFR SMBH                        |                               |
| 74 rue Marcel Cachin            |   In the begining there was   |
| 93017 Bobigny CEDEX             |        nothing at all.        |
| >>> NEW e-mail: <<<             |                               |
| ladam at smbh.smbh.univ-paris13.fr |      Then, it exploded...     |
| Tel: 01 48 38 77 26 / 76 85     |                               |
| Fax: 01 48 38 77 77             |                               |

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