[gmx-users] Gromacs on Dual Athlons

Shrivastava, Indira (NCI) shrivasi at mail.nih.gov
Mon Jul 15 21:33:30 CEST 2002


 I tried to run a  1ns simulation job on two nodes of a dual Athlon cluster,
LAM and MPI environment. In both the cases, the jobs crashed after 
30-40 ps. I got some spurious (32 digit numbers) angle of rotation values
after a LINCS warning.  

The same job ran through fine on a single node, on 
both LAM and MPI environment. 

Can someone tell me if they have had similar problems ?? 

best wishes 

Indira Shrivastava                            		            
Building 12B, Room B109
MSC 5677    						            
MD 20892 5677 	
 Ph: 301-496-2394
 Fax: 301-402-4724
  e-mail:  shrivasi at mail.nih.gov 

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