[gmx-users] Re: OPLS

David van der Spoel spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se
Thu Mar 14 16:50:37 CET 2002

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Nguyen Hoang Phuong wrote:

>Dear All,
>I had a look at  src/kernel but no opls2rtp.c there. Has anyone ever
>tried to include the OPLS forcefield in GROMACS? 

Strange. I've attached it here.

Groeten, David.
Dr. David van der Spoel, 	Biomedical center, Dept. of Biochemistry
Husargatan 3, Box 576,  	75123 Uppsala, Sweden
phone:	46 18 471 4205		fax: 46 18 511 755
spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se	spoel at gromacs.org   http://zorn.bmc.uu.se/~spoel
-------------- next part --------------
 * $Id: opls2rtp.c,v 1.8 2002/02/28 10:54:43 spoel Exp $
 *                This source code is part of
 *                 G   R   O   M   A   C   S
 *          GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations
 *                        VERSION 3.1
 * Copyright (c) 1991-2001, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * If you want to redistribute modifications, please consider that
 * scientific software is very special. Version control is crucial -
 * bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to consider code for
 * inclusion in the official distribution, but derived work must not
 * be called official GROMACS. Details are found in the README & COPYING
 * files - if they are missing, get the official version at www.gromacs.org.
 * To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
 * the papers on the package - you can find them in the top README file.
 * For more info, check our website at http://www.gromacs.org
 * And Hey:
 * GROningen Mixture of Alchemy and Childrens' Stories
static char *SRCID_opls2rtp_c = "$Id: opls2rtp.c,v 1.8 2002/02/28 10:54:43 spoel Exp $";
 * Program: opls2rtp.c                                                *
 * Usage: opls2rtp                                                    *
 *      input files: opls-parameters -> a file with OPLS forcefield   *
 *            parameters in the form:                                 *
 * No comments are allowed in the file. sigma and epsilon are in A and*
 * kcal/mol. They will be converted to nm and kJ/mol                  *
 *                : opls.rtp -> a file with residue dbase             *
 *            entries in gromacs format, except that the types have   *
 * been substituted by OPLS numbers, bonds, dihedrals, charges, and   *
 * chargegroups have been left out. (`hacked' rtp file)               *
 *                                                                    *
 *                                                                    *
 *      output files: opls.atp with entries OPLSTYPE MASS ; COMMENT   *
 *                    opls-rtp.rtp the residue dbase file             *
 *                   opls-nb.itp the nonbonded interaction file       *
 * the file opls.hdb has to be modified outside this program, and     *
 * opls-bon.itp has to be created using the table opls2gromacs.tab    *
 * and a seperate Perl script.                                        *
 * author: Peter Tieleman. tieleman at chem.rug.nl  September 1994       *
#define ATP_FILE "opls.atp"
#define ITP_NB_FILE "opls-nb.itp"
#define OPLS_FILE "opls-parameters"

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "symtab.h"
#include "string2.h"
#include "topio.h"
#include "smalloc.h" /* mem-allocation routines like snew */
#include "resall.h"  /* routines for working with residue dbase files */
#include "copyrite.h" /* copyright message and such */
#include "futil.h"   /* Gromacs file utils, ffopen and such */
#include <math.h>    /* for fabs in the function modify_atoms */
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct {    /* struct for atoms in residue dbase. Name, OPLS-code */
  char *aname;      /* the 'official name' of the atom */
  int  op_code;     /* the OPLS-code (int between 1 and 300something) */
} t_opatom;

typedef struct {    /* struct for one residue in residue dbase file */
  char     *resname; /* name of the residue (ex. ARG, ALA, LYS) */
  int      nat;      /* number of atoms in residue */
  t_opatom *op;      /* array of atoms. op[i].op_code and op[i].aname */
} t_opres;           

struct opls_entry {
  int opls_nr; /* atom type. This is an atom number in the OPLS system */
  int atom_number; /* atom number in periodic system of elements */
  char opls_type[10]; /* type in OPLS system */
  float opls_charge; /* charge in opls_system */
  float opls_sigma; /* LJ-parameter sigma (in Angstrom) */
  float opls_epsilon; /* LJ-parameter epsilon */
  char *opls_comment; /* comment in opls-parameters file */

struct opls_entry_list{
  struct opls_entry opls_data_entry;
  struct opls_entry_list *next_entry_ptr;

struct opls_entry_list *first_entry_ptr = NULL; 
/* pointer to first element of opls-data struct from input file */

 * read_opatoms: reads a hacked residue dbase file.                    *
 * arguments: *fn: name of hacked residue dbase file to be read        *
 *            **opa: array for residues (contains residues after the   *
 * function is done                                                    *
int read_opatoms(char *fn,t_opres **opa)
  FILE    *in;  /* input file */
  char    buf[STRLEN+1]; /* buffer for one line from the input file */
  char    resnm[20]; /* name of residue */
  char    anm[20];   /* 'official' atomname */
  t_opres *opr;      /* pointer to residue */
  int     nopa,nat,type; /* number of residues, number of atoms, OPLS-type */
  int     i,j; /* useless indices */
  in=ffopen(fn,"r");     /* Gromacs version of ffopen. Performs some checks */
  fgets2(buf,STRLEN,in); /* Gromacs version of fgets. Performs some checks */
  sscanf(buf,"%d",&nopa); /* number of residues in hacked dbase file */
  snew((*opa),nopa);      /* allocate nopa * sizeof(*opa) using calloc */
  for(i=0; (i<nopa); i++) { /* iterate over all residues */
    opr=&((*opa)[i]);      /* opr points to the i-th element of the res.array*/
    fgets2(buf,STRLEN,in); /* get next line */
    sscanf(buf,"%s",resnm);  /* get name of residue */
    opr->resname=strdup(resnm); /* put name of residue in residue structure */
    fgets2(buf,STRLEN,in);   /* get number of atoms  */
    opr->nat=nat;            /* put number of atoms in residue structure */
    snew(opr->op,nat);       /* allocate memory for all atoms */
    for(j=0; (j<nat); j++) {  
      fgets2(buf,STRLEN,in);  /* for each atom, read name and number */
      opr->op[j].aname=strdup(anm); /* put this data in residue structure */
  fclose(in);       /* close file */
  return nopa;      /* return number of residues read */

  * pr_atoms: Prints the array read in with read_opatoms         *
void pr_opatoms(FILE *out,int nopa,t_opres opa[])
  int i,j;
  for(i=0; (i<nopa); i++) {
    for(j=0; (j<opa[i].nat); j++)
      fprintf(out,"%10s  %5d\n",opa[i].op[j].aname,opa[i].op[j].op_code);

 * modify_atoms: modifies the atoms from the origal rtp file,    *
 * putting the modified residues in a new array with residues,   *
 *  *opls_rtp. It returns this array                             *
t_restp * modify_atoms(int nres,t_restp rtp[], int *nwnres)
  int find_res_in_opls();

  int nopres; /* number of residues in opls.rtp */
  int i,j;
  int opls_set = 0; /* if 1, don't put residue in the new array with mod. res*/
  t_opres *opa;  /* array with opls residues */
  float nwcharge; /* OPLS-charge */
  float total_charge; /* total charge for chargegroup. Must add up to -1,0,1 */
  int charge_group; /* the new chargegroup for an atom */
  int nwtype; /* OPLS type */
  int status; /* 1: res,atom found, 0: res,atom not found */  
  t_restp *opls_rtp; /* array with the new opls-residues */

  snew(opls_rtp,nres); /* allocate memory for opls-rtp.rtp */
  for(i=0;i<nres;i++){           /* loop over all residues */
    total_charge = 0; 
    charge_group = 0;
    opls_set = 0;
    for(j=0;j<rtp[i].natom;j++){ /* loop over all atoms in residue */
      status = find_res_in_opls(rtp[i].resname,
	rtp[i].atom[j].type = nwtype-1; /* assign atom OPLS type */
	rtp[i].atom[j].q = nwcharge;/* assign atom OPLS charge */
	rtp[i].cgnr[j] = charge_group; /*charge_group;*/
	total_charge = total_charge + nwcharge;
	if((fabs(total_charge - 0) < 1E-5)
	   || (fabs(total_charge - 1) < 1E-5)
	   || (fabs(total_charge + 1) < 1E-5)){
	  charge_group++; total_charge = 0;
	if(!opls_set) {  /* add residue to the new array with mod. residues */
	  opls_rtp[i] = rtp[i];
	  opls_set = 1; /* only add a residue once, not once for each atom */
      } /* endif status */
  *nwnres = nres;
  return opls_rtp;

 * find_res_in_opls: Searches for 'atom_name' in residue         *
 * 'residue_name' in the hacked rtp file (*opa). If it finds it, *
 * it changes the type and charge to the opls values and return1 *
int find_res_in_opls(char *residue_name, 
		     char *atom_name,
		     float *charge,
		     int *nwtype,
		      t_opres opa[],
		      int numres){

  int i = 0; int j = 0; 
  float find_opls_charge();
/*  fprintf(stdout,"looking for %s and %s\n",residue_name,atom_name); */
    if (!strcmp(opa[i].resname,residue_name)) {
      fprintf(stdout,"found residue %s and atom %s in opls file\n",opa[i].resname,atom_name); 
	  *nwtype = opa[i].op[j].op_code;
	  *charge = find_opls_charge(opa[i].op[j].op_code);
	  return 1;
  printf("Couldn't find residue %s\n",residue_name);
  return 0;

 * find_opls_charge: given a opls_code, get the corresponding    *
 * charge. This information is available in the linked list of   *
 * entries from the opls-parameters file                         *
float find_opls_charge(int opls_code){
  struct opls_entry_list *search_entry_ptr;
  struct opls_entry entry_to_search;
  search_entry_ptr = first_entry_ptr;
  while(search_entry_ptr != NULL){
    entry_to_search = search_entry_ptr->opls_data_entry;
    if(opls_code == entry_to_search.opls_nr){ 
      return entry_to_search.opls_charge;
    search_entry_ptr = search_entry_ptr->next_entry_ptr;
  fprintf(stderr,"Error: could not find opls-charge. Send hatemail to spoel at chem.rug.nl\n");
return 10; /* nice high charge, will draw attention when looked at */

 * read_opls_file: Read the file opls-parameters and build a list*
 * of the entries in that file.                                  *
void read_opls_file(){
  FILE *input_file;
  char line[100];
  char *eof_ptr;
  char *comment_ptr;
  int offset = 43; /* comments start at 43 */
  struct opls_entry opls_line;
  struct opls_entry_list *new_entry_ptr = NULL;
  struct opls_entry_list *previous_entry_ptr = NULL;
  int scan_count,i;
  input_file = fopen(OPLS_FILE, "r");
    eof_ptr = fgets2(line, sizeof(line), input_file);
    if(eof_ptr == NULL) break;
    scan_count = sscanf(line,"%d %d %s %f %f %f", &opls_line.opls_nr, \
			&opls_line.atom_number, opls_line.opls_type, \
			&opls_line.opls_charge, &opls_line.opls_sigma, \
    comment_ptr = line + offset;
    opls_line.opls_comment = strdup(comment_ptr);
    for(i=0;i<80;i++)line[i]=' ';
    new_entry_ptr = (struct opls_entry_list *)malloc(sizeof(struct opls_entry_list));
    new_entry_ptr->opls_data_entry = opls_line;
    if (first_entry_ptr == NULL) {
      first_entry_ptr = new_entry_ptr;
      previous_entry_ptr = first_entry_ptr;
    previous_entry_ptr->next_entry_ptr = new_entry_ptr;
    previous_entry_ptr = new_entry_ptr;

 * print_opls_file: Print out the list of entries from the opls- *
 * parameter file as read in by read_opls_file                   *
void print_opls_file(){
  struct opls_entry_list *print_entry_ptr;
  struct opls_entry entry_to_print;
  print_entry_ptr = first_entry_ptr;
  while(print_entry_ptr != NULL){
    entry_to_print = print_entry_ptr->opls_data_entry;
    printf("type: %d number: %d\n", entry_to_print.opls_nr
, entry_to_print.atom_number);
    print_entry_ptr = print_entry_ptr->next_entry_ptr;

 * write_atom_type_file: make the files opls.atp and opls-nb.itp *
 * and write them to disk.                                       *
void write_atomtype_file(int nr_atom){
  struct opls_entry_list *print_entry_ptr;
  struct opls_entry entry_to_print;
  FILE *output_file; /* the atomic type file */
  FILE *nb_itp_file; /* the nonbonded interaction file */
  int nr=0;
  float sigma; /* sigma in nm, calculated from opls_sigma in angstrom */
  float epsilon; /* epsilon in kJ/mol, from opls_epsilon in kCal/mol */
  float atomic_weights[] = {0, 1.00800, 4.0260, 6.941, 9.01218, 10.81, 
    12.011, 14.0067, 15.9994, 18.998403, 20.179, 22.98977, 24.305, 
  26.98154, 28.0855, 30.97376, 32.06, 35.453, 39.948, 39.0983, 
  40.08, 44.9559, 47.88, 50.9415, 51.996, 54.9380, 55.847, 58.9332, 
  58.69, 63.546, 65.38, 69.72, 72.59, 74.9216, 78.96, 79.904, 83.80, 
  85.4678, 87.62, 88.9059, 91.22, 92.9064, 95.94, 98, 101.07, 102.9055, 
  106.42, 107.8682, 112.41, 114.82, 118.69, 121.75, 127.60, 126.9045, 131.29,

  output_file = fopen(ATP_FILE,"w");
  nb_itp_file = fopen(ITP_NB_FILE,"w");

  print_entry_ptr = first_entry_ptr;
  fprintf(nb_itp_file,"[ atomtypes ]\n");
  fprintf(output_file,"%d ;Type\tMass\tComment\n",nr_atom);  

  while(print_entry_ptr != NULL){
    entry_to_print = print_entry_ptr->opls_data_entry;
    nr = entry_to_print.atom_number;
    if((nr<1) || (nr>56)){
      fprintf(stdout,"Error: atomic number too high: %d. Skipping entry\n",nr);
    } else {
      fprintf(output_file,"OP%d\t %f\t; %s\n", entry_to_print.opls_nr
	      , atomic_weights[entry_to_print.atom_number], entry_to_print.opls_comment);
      sigma = entry_to_print.opls_sigma / 10;
      epsilon = entry_to_print.opls_epsilon * 4.1868;
      fprintf(nb_itp_file,"OP%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f ;%s\n",entry_to_print.opls_nr,
    print_entry_ptr = print_entry_ptr->next_entry_ptr;

 * main                                                          *
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  int        nres;
  t_restp    *rtp;
  t_resbond  *rb;
  t_resang   *ra;
  t_idihres  *ires;
  t_atomtype *atype,*atype_opls;
  t_symtab   tab;
  char       *ff="rt37AM";
  int nr_atoms;   /* number of atoms in the atp-file */
  t_restp    *opls_rtp; /* the new array with opls-residues */
  int nwnres; /* number of residues in array with opls-residues */
  FILE       *aa; 

  aa = ffopen("opls-rtp.rtp","w");
  atype_opls=read_atype("opls",&tab); /* get opls.atp for print_resall */
  nr_atoms = atype_opls->nr;
#ifdef DEBUG
  opls_rtp = modify_atoms(nres,rtp, &nwnres);
  printf("Number of residues in new rtp file: %d",nwnres);
  printf("hallo! Don't Panic!\n");
  return 0;

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