[gmx-users] pressure coupling for lipid bilayer

Anton Feenstra feenstra at chem.vu.nl
Thu May 2 10:38:54 CEST 2002

Erik Lindahl wrote:
> Surface tension coupling won't help you; the only reason to do that is
> basically to get a non-zero surface tension.
> The equilibrium state of biological membranes is the one with lowest
> free energy, and unless the cell is pressurized
> or something this corresponds to zero surface tension.

Well, actually all cells are pressurized at least to some extent.
That is why antibiotic peptides work: they form pores in the
membrane which deflates the pressure, and kills the cell.


 ________ ___________________________________________________________
|        | Anton Feenstra                                            |
| .      | Dept. of Pharmacochemistry - Free University Amsterdam    |
| |----  | De Boelelaan 1083 - 1081 HV Amsterdam - The Netherlands   |
| |----  | Tel: +31 20 44 47608 - Fax: +31 20 44 47610               |
| ' __   | Feenstra at chem.vu.nl - http://www.chem.vu.nl/afdelingen/FAR|
|  /  \  |-----------------------------------------------------------|
| (    ) | Dept. of Biophysical Chemistry - University of Groningen  |
|  \__/  | Nijenborgh 4 - 9747 AG Groningen - The Netherlands        |
|   __   | Tel +31 50 363 4327 - Fax +31 50 363 4800                 |
|  /  \  | K.A.Feenstra at chem.rug.nl - http://md.chem.rug.nl/~anton   |
| (    ) |-----------------------------------------------------------|
|  \__/  | "This Doesn't Suck, It's a Black Hole !" (K.A. Feenstra)  |

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