[gmx-users] compilation trouble in OSX

Meng-Juei Hsieh mjhsieh at yahoo.com
Sun May 12 23:29:49 CEST 2002

on 5/12/02 11:53 AM, rams at poori.biochem.uiowa.edu at
rams at poori.biochem.uiowa.edu wrote:
> thanks everybody!
> I am using version 3.1.3....
> I used fink to install fftw.
> I then setenv CCPFLAGS and LDFLAGS.. to /sw/...
> then 
> /bin/bash ./configure
> I did make distclean before that to make sure everything went fine.
> then I do
> make..
> Then I get the error I reported.  I version I used, I ftped on Friday...
> My g77 compiler is v0.5.24
> My cc is from MAc developer tools... and I updated it again yesterday.
> OK!  i am going to try a few more things to see how it works.
> but any suggestions are welcome....
> Rams.

Dear Rams,

If you still can not compile, you can try the one I compiled last month.

You can use following command to extract the tar ball.
$ bzip2 -cd fftw-2.1.3.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -

And make install. (It will install itself in /usr/local/ .... Maybe it's not
the convention fink likes...)


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