[gmx-users] Re: imporving cluster performance

Dmitry Kovalsky dikov at imbg.org.ua
Tue Nov 12 16:05:41 CET 2002

Dear David,

> You won't need to rebuild anything, just select the right driver for

Even if I have installed kernel-i586.rpm installed? Kernel rebuilding will not 
improve anything? Now gromacs runs using SSE and not 3Dnow capabilities.
So what are the difference between athlon and i586 kernels? (I know that in RH 
it is present)
As I remeber Sousa da Silva have used Mandrake 8.0, may he has some 
> your network (at the OS level). Please send some comparisons to the
> mailing list.
 Sure I'll send. 
I have tested everything using my system and now will do with gmxbench

Thanks Atnon for your comments. 

As I understand the limited step for a small clusters is latency time.  
Hopefully I have Intel intel RC82544 cards that should be supported and will 
try to setup VIA hope in near future will report here results. 
Sincerely yours,

Ph.D. Student Dmitry Kovalsky
Institute of Molecular Biology & Genetics
150 Akad. Zabolotnogo Street,
Kiev-143, 03143

E-mail: dikov at imbg.org.ua
Fax:  +380 (44) 266-0759
Tel.: +380 (44) 266-5589

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