[gmx-users] Dihedral angle restraints in NMR refinement...

Patrick Ladam ladam at smbh.smbh.univ-paris13.fr
Thu Sep 26 00:26:51 CEST 2002

Chris Spronk wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have been playing a little bit with the NMR derived dihedral angle
> restraints as defined as impropers. I ran into the following problem:
> Dihedral angle restraints close to 180 degrees give rise to local
> heating and a lot of LINCS warnings (and exploding system).
> On page 59 of the gromacs manual it is stated that impropers should be
> defined as far away from 180 degrees as possible. The reason (dank je
> Bert!) is that the periodicity is absent and small changes in the
> dihedral angle leading to flips from ~-180 to ~+180 lead to huge
> differences in improper dihedral energy.
> So when I converted a couple of the dihedrals that were close to 180 ( N
> CA CB CG ) to dihedrals around ~60 degrees ( C CA CB CG ) these
> restraints did not give rise to any LINCS warnings or heating anymore
> (but a little later some others around 170 degrees did).
> Although this is a possible work-around it still makes the use of
> improper dihedral angles for dihedral angle restraints rather
> impractical. In addition, I think it limits the sampling of conformations.

Well we should be able to constraint to any of the three eclipsed conformations
for a single bond... There is definetly a need for a dihedral constraint
as well for distances.

> So I was hoping someone of the developers-team could help us (the NMR
> users) with this. In addition it would still be nice to have a restraint
> type similar to the distance restraints, with zero force between an
> upper and lower bound for the angle to account for the experimental
> uncertainty, and a harmonic potential outside
> these bounds. I hope this is not too big of a problem, but otherwise NMR
> people will probably not be prompted to use GROMACS and I personally
> think that would be a great pity....

Let me allow myself to share this opinion...

> thanks in advance,
> Chris


| Patrick LADAM                   |                               |
| Laboratoire CSSB                |     THE BIG BANG THEORY:      |
| UFR SMBH                        |                               |
| 74 rue Marcel Cachin            |   In the begining there was   |
| 93017 Bobigny CEDEX             |        nothing at all.        |
| >>> NEW e-mail: <<<             |                               |
| ladam at smbh.smbh.univ-paris13.fr |      Then, it exploded...     |
| Tel: 01 48 38 77 26 / 76 85     |                               |
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