[gmx-users] file too big?

Francesco Tordini tordini at tiscalinet.it
Wed Apr 30 10:17:01 CEST 2003

> Hi,
> Having the same problem (saved too many data :-) ) and being
> in the same group as Anton Feenstra (our GROMACS expert), we were
> able to at least break down the big file into smaller pieces using
> You have to know the number of frames, the filesize and then
> divide the filesize by frames+1. This will give you the
> size per frame. And then you can make the chunks you want....
> Hope this helps (at least it worked for me, thanks to Anton)

It works well with file .trr, but in my case i need to split the .xtc
file (the .trr file was too big for my disk and i save it only every
5000fs for restarting dynamics), and it don't seems to work. Do you know
if this method applies also to .xtc files?




Dr. Francesco Tordini
Università di Milano-Bicocca
Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze
P.zza della Scienza, 2 - 20126 Milano
Tel.  0264483473 / Fax. 0264483478
cell. 3282794451
email tordini at tiscalinet.it

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