[gmx-users] equilibration

Xavier Periole periole at inka.mssm.edu
Fri Aug 8 18:54:01 CEST 2003

> I am trying to equilibrate a membrane-peptide-water-ion system but it
> doesn't work. Gromacs is quite new to me so the questions might be stupid.
> The system should already be quite well equilibrated since it comes from
> dynamics run using amber. The only thing that is done is making a new
> periodic box and adding hydrogens.

1) if your system has been equilibrated in another force field it will need
2) are you sure it is not taing out hydrogens ?

> I have tested to do a steepest descen minimization and the error message
> in the .log file is:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Stepsize too small (6.10352e-07 nm)Converged to machine precision,
> but not to the requested precision (1)
> You might need to increase your constraint accuracy, or turn off
> constraints alltogether (set constraints = none in mdp file)
> Steepest Descents did not converge in 15 steps
>   Potential Energy = nan Maximum force:  1.45952e+10
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- I
> have set nsteps = 1000, emtol = 1.0 and emstep = 0.01. I really don't get
> what the "Stepsize too small (6.1035" etc. means? I have also set the
> constraints = none, but nothing changes.

There is definitely a problem in your system. The stepsize too small has
explained in the list. You'll find it in the archive, see the web site.

> When I try to make a dynamics simulation instead the system explodes
> immediately and I get the following error message after 9 steps:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Fatal error: ci = -2147483648 should be in 0 .. 1880 [FILE nsgrid.c, LINE
> 210]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> When I look at the dynamics trajectory all atoms are out of the box in 2
> steps. Even when I use dt = 0.001.

Your system is probably exploding for the same reason the minimization
did not work. Did you minimize in Amber ?

> A question that will be a problem later: I would like to scale the
> temperature of the peptide, the lipids and water+ions separately. How
> should I formulate this in the .mdp file? (How to put water and ions in
> the same group?)
> -------------------
> tcoupl  = Berendsen
> tc_grps = Protein DPPC (SOL Cl)   ?????
> tau_t   =   0.1    0.1   0.1
> ref_t   =    30     30    30
> ----------------------------

sounds good.

> The topology file looks like this (Note that in the [molecules] section
> I have commented away the "Protein 1" line. If I keep thath line, grompp
> complains and count the number of atoms in the protein twice!!?? The
> rw-conn.itp file describes the peptide.):
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include "ffgmx.itp"
> #include "lipid.itp"
> #include "dppc.itp"
> #include "rw-conn.itp"
> #include "ions.itp"
> #ifdef FLEX_SPC
> #include "flexspc.itp"
> #else
> #include "spc.itp"
> #endif
> [ system ]
> ; name
> PMWI (Peptide Membrane Water Ion)
> [ molecules ]
> ; name number
> ;Protein 1
> DPPC 64
> SOL 2463
> Cl 3

Looks like there is a problem in the definition of your system. In your pdb
or gro file
is the order of appeareance protein, dppc, sol and CL ? That could be a

hope it helps

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