[gmx-users] Multiple torsional parameters

Pedro Alexandre Lapido Loureiro paloureiro at biof.ufrj.br
Wed Aug 20 17:12:00 CEST 2003

> > >You are probably defining two dihedral *types* for the same pair of
> atoms.
> > >That won't work. What you will need to do, is add another dihedral to
> the
> > >.rtp, .itp or .top of your lipid, and specify explicit parameters (or an
> > >explicit type, like in the G43a* ff's) for both of them.
> > >
> > Thank you, Anton
> >
> > but that`s exactly what I have done. My .top file is an "explicit type"
> > topology file, as long as it contains all the parameters of the force
> > field. Those two lines I have "pasted" above are from my lipid.top file.
> > And it did not work...
> >
> Dear Pedro,
> Try this in your molecule.itp:
> [dihedrals]
> 1  2  3  4    values_A
> 1  2  3  4    values_B
> 1 2 3 4  are the numbers of the atoms involved
Thanks, Anton, Marcos and Yuguang Mu!

Yes, it works. 
The problem was my .top file includes the entire forcefield.
So for this to work I had to comment the lines refering to the dihedrals (in 
the ".rtp-like" part of my .top.
Thanks again! 


Pedro Alexandre Lapido Loureiro
Laboratório de Física Biológica
Instituto de Biofísica

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