[gmx-users] Forbidden access

Andrea Carotti and.carotti at farmchim.uniba.it
Thu Dec 11 09:53:01 CET 2003

Hi all,
    I was trying to download this two articles from this web page:
 but when I click on the "article" link, the server says that I'm not
allowed: "
You don't have permission to access /local/PAPERS_PDF...."

Articles of my interest:
M.G. Pikkemaat, A.B.M. Linssen, H.J.C. Berendsen and D.B. Janssen Molecular
dynamics simulations as a tool for improving protein. Protein Engineering 15
(2002) 185-192
G. Colombo, D. Roccatano and A. E. Mark Folding and Stability of the
three-stranded beta-sheet peptide betanova: insights from molecular dynamics
simulations. Proteins, 46 (2002) 380-392

Is it a problem of your server?

Andrea Carotti
Dip. Farmaco-chimico (Università di Bari)
via E. Orabona, 4 ## CAP 70124 ## BARI (Italy)
web: http://www.farmchim.uniba.it/samba/
phone: +39080/5442638  ##   fax: +39080/5442230

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