[gmx-users] Windows versus Linux

Nordling, Erik Erik.Nordling at biovitrum.com
Tue Feb 18 16:09:03 CET 2003

An easier solution is to set the priority of the mdrun.exe application to low in the task manager (Ctrl-alt-delete, chose the task manager, in XP or win2k), makes you use the power of the machine more efficient without any slowdown in other applications.

Just wanted to know whether it was any advantage (faster) to run in an linux environment than in windows


-----Original Message-----
From: Germana Paterlini [mailto:germana at certusoft.com]
Sent: den 18 februari 2003 15:58
To: gmx-users at gromacs.org
Subject: [gmx-users] Windows versus Linux

 It is possible to run gromacs under windows without hogging 100% of the
I run gromacs on the new Pentium 4 at 3 GHz with hyperthread technology.  I
use the gromacs binaries provided on the web site. With the number of
processors set to 2, Windows uses 50% of the CPU on gromacs and it leaves
50% for
 idle processes. I am able to use the PC for other applications without  any
noticeable slowdown.


 Germana Paterlini, Ph.D.
 Certusoft, Inc.
 7831 Glenroy Road
 Suite 440
 Minneapolis, MN 55439
 germana at certusoft.com

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