[gmx-users] cpp error again

Y U Sasidhar sasidhar at chem.iitb.ac.in
Wed Jul 2 12:50:01 CEST 2003

David van der Spoel wrote:

>[l1:~] % which cpp
>replace it with the answer you get from this command
did that too; I still have problem. I installed gromacs rpms twice; cpp also is re-installed. I find that /lib/cpp is a link to /usr/bin/cpp. I reproduce the complete error message below. Thanks for your patience and time.
creating statusfile for 1 node...

' for variable integrator, using 'md'

Next time use one of: 'md' 'steep' 'cg' 'bd' 'sd' 'nm'

' for variable ns-type, using 'Grid'

Next time use one of: 'Grid' 'Simple'

' for variable coulombtype, using 'Cut-off'

Next time use one of: 'Cut-off' 'Reaction-Field' 
'Generalized-Reaction-Field' 'PME' 'Ewald' 'PPPM' 'Poisson' 'Switch' 
'Shift' 'User'

' for variable constraints, using 'none'

Next time use one of: 'none' 'h-bonds' 'all-bonds' 'h-angles' 'all-angles'

Back Off! I just backed up mdout.mdp to ./#mdout.mdp.41#

Warning: as of GMX v 2.0 unit of compressibility is truly 1/bar

checking input for internal consistency...

...ling /usr/bin/cpp

: No such file or directory

cpp exit code: 32512

betahair.top > gromppFiKGjL'top -DFLEX_SPC

' command is defined in the .mdp file

processing topology...

processing coordinates...

Fatal error: number of coordinates in coordinate file (solvation.gro, 6191)

            does not match topology (betahair.top, 0)

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