[gmx-users] eneconv
Dallas Warren
dallas.warren at vcp.monash.edu.au
Fri Jun 6 02:16:03 CEST 2003
>Right - but that can also be done with -dt ! If you originally wrote
>an .edr frame each 1 ps, using -dt 10 will reduce your file 10-fold.
>Or am I missing something here?
No, that is right on and correct. Just that in some instances I have found
that if the time stamp on the frame drifts it isn't always recognised ....
Catch ya,
Dr. Dallas Warren
Research Fellow
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmacology
Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University
381 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3010
dallas.warren at vcp.monash.edu.au
+61 3 9903 9083
When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail.
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