[gmx-users] Shell molecular dynamics

Martin Mucha martin.mucha at jh-inst.cas.cz
Thu Mar 20 15:43:01 CET 2003

Hi all,

I would like to use polarizability model in my simulations, 
but I do not know how. There are several paragraphs about the topic in the 
manual, however
I did not find any mention about how to actually tell gromacs that I am using 
the shell model, e.g. How to set up topology, mdp and gro files. I would be 
grateful for any idea, or sample input files of a working shell MD.

  Martin Mucha

address: UFCH JH AV CR, m. 224
             Dolejskova 3, 18223 Praha 8, Czech Republic
tel: +420266053495, +420736175269 

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