[gmx-users] membrane simulation with gromacs

xiaoyi li xiaoyi at xray.bmc.uu.se
Wed Sep 3 19:02:01 CEST 2003

to whom it may concern,

I am trying to do the md simulations of lignin molecules in membrane.
The membrane system consisted of DPPC molecules and water. I only have
the .pdb file of the membrane without hydrogens and .pdb file of lignin
molecule. I have downloaded the lipid.itp file from the homepage of
Professor Tieleman. How can i get the top file and gro file of this
whole system? what's the basic progress to run the md simulations on
this lipid system by gromacs? What should be paid attention?

Thanks in advance,
xiaoyi li <xiaoyi at xray.bmc.uu.se>

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