[gmx-users] energy units?!

Luciano ltcosta at universiabrasil.net
Tue Apr 27 02:04:01 CEST 2004

 Hi gmx's users

 I have a question about units of the energy. What is the normalization
used to the energy (potential, total,...) in the gromacs ?! How do I to
calculate the energy in KJ/mol, because the units are not in KJ/mol, all
  ok?! (ex: I waiting potential energy for water of the ~ (- 46,00 KJ))

 And, where can I to want the routine (C function) that calculate the
energy units ?!

 Thanks in advance ...

               Luciano Tavares da Costa
             Mestre em Engenharia Química
   icq #232852036 ; ltcosta at universiabrasil.net  
  Doutorando Laboratório de Espectroscopia Molecular
              Instituto de Química - USP

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