[gmx-users] Help !!

Pawan pwnbabel at chem.iitb.ac.in
Mon Aug 2 08:41:16 CEST 2004


I am getting following warning while running grompp for energy minization.
Warning :
 For minimization with LINCS constraints, lincs_iter should be 4 to 8.
Cleaning up constraints and constant bonded interactions with dummy particles
renumbering atomtypes.

Altough i am using Lincs constraints = none in my energy minimization mdp
file . I am using OPLS force field and i have also included tip4p.gro for
solvation of my peptide chain through genbox.(genbox -cs tip4p.gro -cp
box.gro -p protein.top -o gen_sol.grp.

Can anyone please explain me that why i am getting this warning message ?

Thanks in advance,

Pawan Babel

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