[gmx-users] RIX 6.5 compilation error

Campbell Millar c.millar at elec.gla.ac.uk
Wed Aug 11 13:56:42 CEST 2004

Hi Murali

You can copy the patch below and it will fix the problem. However, you 
should view this as a temporary solution. The static array 
initialisation problem with the mips compilers may or may not go away 
so I would suggest you use this as a fix to get you up and running. The 
patch doesn't cause any problems that I have found so............

Copy the patch to you gromacs directory then apply it with "patch -p1 



I was sure I had reported the problem on the developers mailing list 
but it maybe I forgot :). Sorry!

--- gromacs-3.2.1/src/tools/make_edi.c	2004-02-29 15:42:35.000000000 
+++ gromacs-3.2.1.fixed/src/tools/make_edi.c	2004-03-08 
07:23:10.000000000 -0600
@@ -448,14 +448,14 @@
      "may be 'grepped from the log file."

-  t_edpar edi_params;  /*save all the params in this struct and then 
save it in an edi file.
+  static t_edpar edi_params;  /*save all the params in this struct and 
then save it in an edi file.
                           ignoring fields 

    static int  first=1,last=8,skip=1,nextr=2;
    static real max=0.0;
    static bool bSplit=FALSE;
-   enum  { evSTEPEND = evRADFIX + 1};
+  enum  { evSTEPEND = evRADFIX + 1};
    static char* evSelections[evEND]= {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL};
    static char* evOptions[evEND] = 
    static char* evParams[evSTEPEND] ={NULL,NULL};
@@ -464,17 +464,17 @@
    static real  radfix=0.0;
    static int* listen[evEND];
    t_pargs pa[] = {
-    { evOptions[evMON], FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evMON]},
+    { "-mon", FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evMON]},
        "Indices of eigenvectors  for projections of x, v and f (e.g. 
1,2-5,9) or 1-100:10 means 1 11 21 31 ... 91 " },
-    { evOptions[evLINFIX], FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evLINFIX]},
+    { "-linfix", FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evLINFIX]},
        "Indices of eigenvectors for fixed increment linear sampling" },
-    { evOptions[evLINACC], FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evLINACC]},
+    { "-linacc", FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evLINACC]},
        "Indices of eigenvectors for acceptance linear sampling" },
-    { evOptions[evRADFIX], FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evRADFIX]},
+    { "-radfix", FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evRADFIX]},
        "Indices of eigenvectors for fixed increment radius expansion" },
-    { evOptions[evRADACC], FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evRADACC]},
+    { "-radacc", FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evRADACC]},
        "Indices of eigenvectors for acceptance radius expansion" },
-    { evOptions[evRADCON], FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evRADCON]},
+    { "-radcon", FALSE, etSTR, {&evSelections[evRADCON]},
        "Indices of eigenvectors for acceptance radius contraction" },
      { "-outfrq", FALSE, etINT, {&edi_params.outfrq},
        "freqency (in steps) of writing output in .edo file" },
@@ -484,11 +484,11 @@
        "minimal slope in acceptance radius expamsion"},
      { "-maxedsteps", FALSE, etINT, {&edi_params.maxedsteps},
        "max nr of steps per cycle" },
-    { evStepOptions[evLINFIX], FALSE, etSTR, {&evParams[evLINFIX]},
+    { "-linfix", FALSE, etSTR, {&evParams[evLINFIX]},
        "Stepsizes (nm/step) for fixed increment linear sampling (put in 
quotes! \"1.0 2.3 5.1 -3.1\")"},
-    { evStepOptions[evLINACC], FALSE, etSTR, {&evParams[evLINACC]},
+    { "-accdir", FALSE, etSTR, {&evParams[evLINACC]},
        "Directions for acceptance linear sampling - only sign counts! 
(put in quotes! \"-1 +1 -1.1\")"},
-    { evStepOptions[evRADFIX], FALSE, etREAL, {&radfix},
+    { "-radstep", FALSE, etREAL, {&radfix},
        "Stepsize (nm/step) for fixed increment radius expansion"}
  #define NPA asize(pa)

On 10 Aug 2004, at 21:16, Ramachandran Murali wrote:

> Hi
> Thanks to Ran and Campbell. gmx_sgangle.c did work with "static" 
> correction.
>  Still, I am having problem with make_edi.c.
> I could not find the answers from the archive. I did see some 
> exchanges in
> the march 04 archive and at one point the solution was directed to an
> expired url.
> Can anyone of  you please send me the patched code?
> Thanks
> Murali
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Ramachandran Murali
> Assistant Professor
> 243 John Morgan Building
> Department of Pathology & Lab. Medicine
> University of Pennsylvania
> Philadelphia, PA-19104-6082
> Ph: 215-573-9256; Fax: 215-898-2401
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Dr Campbell Millar,
University of Glasgow,
Device Modelling Group,
Oakfield Avenue,
Glasgow G12 8LT
tel: +44 141 330 4792  fax: +44 141 330 4907

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggy', till you can find a rock"
Larry Niven.
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