[gmx-users] g_analyze question

Ilya Chorny ichorny at maxwell.compbio.ucsf.edu
Sun Feb 22 19:46:01 CET 2004

There is an option in g_analyze to not subtract the average from the
values being autocorrelated. 
When I calculate a correlation function with -subav no I get a
correlation function which goes through
Zero but the data are all positive values. Am I doing something wrong
g_analyze -f  *.trr -s *.tpr -ac -fitfn exp_exp -subav no -n *.ndx -w
Dr. Ilya Chorny                                            Department of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
DOE/SLOAN Postdoctoral Researcher       University of California, San
Tel:  (415)-476-6875                                   600 16th st
Fax:  (415)502-4222                                    San Francisco, CA
Cell: (408)887-8496
                                   Email: ichorny at maxwell.ucsf.edu
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