[gmx-users] Re: For those using gromacs on mac OSX with mpi

Pim Schravendijk schraven at mpip-mainz.mpg.de
Fri Feb 27 16:55:02 CET 2004

Just a small question, but does fink install fftw in double or single 
precision? To be able to control that will probably also be a good reason 
to consider manual install vs. fink.

> From: Yiannis Nicolis <ioannis.nicolis at free.fr>
> Hello,
> just an info for mac users doing mpi:
> I just installed gromacs on a G4 with OSX 10.3. If you use fink to 
> install packages, the fftw installed has not mpi support. So if you 
> want mpi gromacs on the mac, instead of installing fftw with fink, 
> download the sources and compile it. It is very simple. Before to 
> compile fftw you have to install lam. I installed the OSX dmg package 
> of 7.0.4 found in the lam site 
> <http://www.lam-mpi.org/7.0/download.php>.
> Of course, if you don't need mpi, you can just use the fink installer 
> for fftw.
> Ioannis

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