[gmx-users] what's "inconsistent shifts"?
Xu ZhiPing
xzp02 at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Sun Jan 11 10:22:00 CET 2004
On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 04:32, Xu ZhiPing wrote:
> Dear all:
> I am now using GMX 3.1.4 to simulate a periodic system of CNT,
and I
> following the em-md procodure, but I the log file, I found warning
like " There were 60 inconsistent shifts. Check your topology. ", I do
not know what's the meaning of "inconsistent shifts", so I search all
the posts before, some similar posts were found, but I still do not know
how to solve this, I have relaxed my simulation box.
> Can anyone help me and tell me what's the meaning of "shifs",
> will and how this "shifts" affect the simulation results? or just a
> fussy warning?
What kind of system is this? What is CNT?
Carbon Nanotube.
By the way, your computer's date is a year behind.
> Thanks a lot.
> ZP
> -----------------------------------------------
> Xu ZhiPing
> Ph.D Candidate
> Room: 3405, Phone: 86-10-627-83814
> Department of Mechanics,
> Qinghua University, Beijing, CHINA
> -----------------------------------------------
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