[gmx-users] water in channel

Itamar Kass ikass at cc.huji.ac.il
Mon Jan 19 11:17:01 CET 2004

  Hi all, I am currently working on a channel in a DMPC bilayer (and water).  After inserting the channel into the bilayer (using  Graham's modified mdrun) I am facing a new problem.   I want to put water in the channel and did not succeed in doing it.  Using pr simulation I did not succeed, then I tried to use genbox, but it puts water in the membrane also.
  Does someone have an idea or face it and has a solution? 
          Thank you, Itamar.

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| Itamar Kass 
| The Alexander Silberman 
| Institute of Life Sciences 
| Department of Biological Chemistry 
| The Hebrew University, Givat-Ram 
| Jerusalem, 91904, Israel 
| Tel: +972-(0)2-6585146 
| Fax: +972-(0)2-6584329 
| Email: ikass at cc.huji.ac.il 
| Homepage: http://www.ls.huji.ac.il/~membranelab/itamar/itamar_homepage.html 
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