[gmx-users] lam -mpi problem
Luciane Vieira de Mello Rigden
mello at cenargen.embrapa.br
Tue Jun 15 12:46:08 CEST 2004
Dear all,
I am trying to run an MD using two processors, linux DELL 650, xeon
It is a procedure I have already done on other similar machines, and no
problem at all. It seems it is a problem specific for this machine.
[mello at biolinux gromacs_dyn]$ lamboot -v bhost
LAM 6.5.6/MPI 2 C++/ROMIO - University of Notre Dame
Executing hboot on n0 (biolinux.liv.ac.uk - 2 CPUs)...
topology done
[mello at biolinux gromacs_dyn]$ ps -efl |grep lamd
000 S mello 21078 1 0 77 0 - 446 schedu 11:38 ?
00:00:00 /usr/bin/lamd -H -P 51003 -n 0 -o 0
[mello at biolinux gromacs_dyn]$ mpirun C mdrun_mpi -s topol_2n_biolinux.tpr -v
[mello at biolinux gromacs_dyn]$
In other words, although lamboot looks fine and the lamd process is
running, mpirun stops immediately without generating any output.
The same files were used in a different twin-xeon Dell machine, and it
was fine.
Thanks in advance,
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