[gmx-users] Re: g_cluster rmsd definition (Roman Affentranger)

Linda fuwei at adrik.bchs.uh.edu
Fri Jun 25 16:56:49 CEST 2004

Thanks a lot, Roman,

     I will check and modify the code based on what you modified in your last mailinglist.



>>Hi, all,
>>         I would like to know the exact definition of two RMSDs in the 
>> cluster.log file.
>>cl. | #st rmsd  | middle rmsd | cluster members
>>   1 | 1251 .221 |   6498 .109 |   6386   6474   6476   6478 ......
>>i.e. does 0.221 stand for the biggest rmsd of a structure with the middle 
>>structre in cluster 1?
>>does 0.109 stands for the rmsd between structure 6498 & original structure?
>0.221 is the average RMSD of all pairs of cluster members.
>0.109 is the average RMSD of all cluster members to the cluster center.
>However, these values, together with the reported cluster center, will be 
>wrong unless you modified the code of gmx_cluster.c as suggested on the 
>mailing list two days ago.

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