[gmx-users] clustering "pdb outsiders"
Nuno R. L. Ferreira
nunolf at ci.uc.pt
Mon Jun 28 13:10:48 CEST 2004
Hi *
I've some hundreds of pdbs (conventional format) that came out from a docking
My aim is to analyze these structures, using g_cluster, to find out how's the
cluster distribution. I don't know of any other soft. that can do this, so I
pointed my batteries to gmx.
Some thoughts that ocurred me ...
1- First I have to build a tpr file for one of the input pdbs (they contain
only regular aminoacid residues). The input pdbs have 3 chains, and each one
is also broken in 3 pieces. I tryed to build a topology using opls f.f. and
I was successful. Just have to figure out how to resolve 2 long bond
warnings, for each chain (possibly the bond between the chain broken parts).
2- Concatenate all the pdbs, to have a kind of trajectory, ready to be fed up
into g_cluster (easy thing to do).
I think I have to change the nomenclature of the input pdbs, to meet the
nomenclature stored under the produced .tpr file (residue and atom names I
But this is rather difficult to do, cause not only I have to change some
residue names (like LYS --> LYSH, or HYS --> HISA), atom names (like ILE HD11
--> ILE HD1), but also I suppose that I have to change the residue number,
cause pdb2gmx joins all those broken pieces, renumbering them.
Any suggestions ?
Best regards,
Nuno Ricardo Santos Loureiro da Silva Ferreira
Grupo de Química Biológica
Departamento Química
Universidade de Coimbra
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