[gmx-users] timestep for CG simulation

Anton Feenstra feenstra at few.vu.nl
Tue Oct 19 17:41:16 CEST 2004

Ashish Gupta wrote:
>  The suggested value of the timestep is 0.05 ps. With this value of timestep the simulation
> seem to be running fine for some steps (some thousands of steps) and then I get segmentation
> fault error. Why is this so ?  Also if I reduce the timestep to 0.005 ps 
> then the simulations run fine.

Your starting structure is probably allright (since you can run 1000's of
steps). Were there any error/warning messages before the crash? Have you
looked at changes in the energies and/or the structure? You could try to
re-start short before the crash, write out more frames (lower nstxtcout)
and look at them.


  _____________ _______________________________________________________
|             |                                                       |
|  _   _  ___,| K. Anton Feenstra                                     |
| / \ / \'| | | Dept. of Pharmacochem. - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
|(   |   )| | | De Boelelaan 1083 - 1081 HV Amsterdam - Netherlands   |
| \_/ \_/ | | | Tel: +31 20 44 47608 - Fax: +31 20 44 47610           |
|             | Feenstra at few.vu.nl - www.few.vu.nl/~feenstra/         |
|             | "If You See Me Getting High, Knock Me Down" (RHCP)    |

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