[gmx-users] pdb2gmx - how to prevent it from removing atoms?

Fiona Reid fiona at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Thu Sep 2 12:15:54 CEST 2004

Dear Gromacs Users, 

When using pdb2gmx with the -ignh option I've noticed
that large number of the atoms disappear when compared 
with the original input file. 

I start with an input pdb file containing a protein 
(dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr)) which contains 159 
residues and a total of 2489 atoms. After running
pdb2gmx with -ignh and my output pdb file contains 
just 1602 atoms.

E.g when I ran:	pdb2gmx -f test_nowater.pdb
The output was:

Looking whether force field file ffG43a1.rtp exists
Opening library file
Opening library file
Reading test_nowater.pdb...
Read 2489 atoms
Opening library file
23 out of 23 lines of xlateat.dat converted succesfully
Analyzing pdb file
There are 1 chains and 0 blocks of water and 159 residues with 2489 atoms

  chain  #res #atoms
  1 ' '   159   2489  

WARNING: there were 2415 atoms with zero occupancy and 64 atoms with
         occupancy unequal to one (out of 2489 atoms). Check your pdb
Opening library file
Atomtype 50
Reading residue database... (ffG43a1)
Opening library file
Residue 96
Sorting it all out...
Opening library file
Opening library file
Opening library file

Back Off! I just backed up topol.top to ./#topol.top.1#
Processing chain 1 (2489 atoms, 159 residues)
Opening library file
5 out of 5 lines of specbond.dat converted succesfully
Special Atom Distance matrix:
  CYS152  SG2349   2.692
There are 235 donors and 240 acceptors
There are 324 hydrogen bonds
Fatal error: Atom HA in residue MET 1 not found in rtp entry with 9 atoms
             while sorting atoms. Maybe different protonation state.
             Remove this hydrogen or choose a different protonation state.
             Option -ignh will ignore all hydrogens in the input.

So I then tried pdb2gmx again using -ignh as suggested: pdb2gmx -f -ignh

Looking whether force field file ffG43a1.rtp exists
Opening library file
Opening library file
Reading test_nowater.pdb...
Read 1268 atoms
Opening library file
23 out of 23 lines of xlateat.dat converted succesfully
Analyzing pdb file
There are 1 chains and 0 blocks of water and 159 residues with 1268 atoms

  chain  #res #atoms
  1 ' '   159   1268  

WARNING: there were 1227 atoms with zero occupancy and 37 atoms with
         occupancy unequal to one (out of 1268 atoms). Check your pdb
Opening library file
Atomtype 50
Reading residue database... (ffG43a1)
Opening library file
Residue 96
Sorting it all out...
Opening library file
Opening library file
Opening library file

Back Off! I just backed up topol.top to ./#topol.top.2#
Processing chain 1 (1268 atoms, 159 residues)
Opening library file
5 out of 5 lines of specbond.dat converted succesfully
Special Atom Distance matrix:
  CYS152  SG1198   2.692
There are 235 donors and 240 acceptors
There are 324 hydrogen bonds
Checking for duplicate atoms....
deleting duplicate atom    O  ARG 159  pdb nr 2489
Now there are 1267 atoms
N-terminus: NH3+
C-terminus: COO-
Now there are 159 residues with 1602 atoms
Making bonds...
Warning: Long Bond (432-434 = 4.53792 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (434-436 = 0.620787 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (436-444 = 0.811458 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (444-445 = 0.855804 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (444-446 = 4.26874 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (437-438 = 0.710563 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (438-439 = 0.362155 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (438-441 = 0.540152 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (439-442 = 0.702567 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (441-443 = 1.03103 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (442-443 = 0.943403 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1108-1110 = 4.11203 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1112-1120 = 0.595517 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1120-1121 = 0.812652 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1120-1122 = 3.43465 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1113-1114 = 0.420582 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1114-1115 = 0.412845 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1114-1117 = 0.58955 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1117-1119 = 0.419076 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1195-1197 = 3.8193 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1197-1199 = 0.71018 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1199-1207 = 0.335476 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1207-1208 = 0.641443 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1207-1209 = 3.04772 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1199-1200 = 0.63493 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1200-1201 = 0.301703 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1201-1202 = 0.682551 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1201-1204 = 0.583263 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1202-1205 = 0.451491 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1204-1206 = 0.380317 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1205-1206 = 0.408119 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1392-1394 = 4.42603 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1394-1396 = 0.500049 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1404-1405 = 0.806747 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1404-1406 = 5.16887 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1396-1397 = 0.318762 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1397-1398 = 0.56807 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1398-1399 = 0.670946 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1399-1402 = 0.67489 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1401-1403 = 0.414344 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1402-1403 = 0.586277 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1465-1467 = 5.21114 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1469-1477 = 0.600607 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1477-1478 = 0.367479 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1477-1479 = 4.35932 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1469-1470 = 0.732503 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1472-1475 = 0.500016 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1474-1476 = 0.542793 nm)
Warning: Long Bond (1475-1476 = 0.338945 nm)
Opening library file
Number of bonds was 1641, now 1636
Generating angles, dihedrals and pairs...
Before cleaning: 2615 pairs
Before cleaning: 3155 dihedrals
There are  854 dihedrals,  841 impropers, 2392 angles
          2615 pairs,     1636 bonds and     0 dummies
Total mass 17989.346 a.m.u.
Total charge -11.000 e
Writing topology

Back Off! I just backed up posre.itp to ./#posre.itp.1#

Writing coordinate file...

Back Off! I just backed up conf.gro to ./#conf.gro.1#
                --------- PLEASE NOTE ------------
You have succesfully generated a topology from: test_nowater.pdb.
The select force field and the spc water model are used.
Note that the default mechanism for selecting a force fields has
changed, starting from GROMACS version 3.2.0
                --------- ETON ESAELP ------------

I then created a new pdb file using editconf: 
editconf -f conf.gro -o test_gromacsout.pdb
Comparing the two pdb files in vmd it is obvious that a 
large number of atoms are missing from the output pdb

Any suggestions/solutions greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks, 

Fiona Reid

P.S. For info, I am attempting to run the Joint Amber-Charmm 
benchmark on Gromacs 3.2.1. It's possible that someone else
may have tried this already and found a solution?

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