[gmx-users] coordinate error

Maximiliano Figueroa Yévenes maxfigue at udec.cl
Mon Sep 6 19:00:53 CEST 2004

Thanks, now run very good!!!

El Lun 06 Sep 2004 11:17, David van der Spoel escribió:
> You are (pdb2gmx is) mixing protein_a and protein_A. I'm not certain that
> will work. Try renaming some of your chains (half of them), if they are
> indeed different. Are they? Otherwise you may need to rearrange the
> molecules, such that you have fewer itp files. If your system consists of
> only 4 different protein molecultetypes you can also write
> prot_a
> prot_b
> prot_a
> prot_b
> and so on.

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