[gmx-users] Re:problems in simulation

Arlan Goncalves arlan at ime.eb.br
Fri Sep 10 22:35:47 CEST 2004

Hi Alok,
                You need to add new topologies at ff???.rtp file, add 
the name of your residue at aminoacid.dat file and save it in a folder 
with all changed files. **(((Follow the HEME example present at 
ffgmx.rtp file)))**.

                      Arlan da Silva Gonçalves
               IME(Instituto Militar de Engenharia)
                Departamento de Engenharia Química
                 Pça. General Tibúrcio, 80 - Urca
                 22290-270 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
                      Tel. (0xx21) 2546-7057
                      Fax. (0xx21) 2546-7059

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